Select latitude and longitude

Select Country > Select Region > Select city > Precise coordinates > Complete >

The next step in specifying your location is to indicate the approximate latitude and longitude of your place of work or home (whichever you prefer). You will only be able to see the map if you enter coordinates. If you do not want other members to know your exact location, either skip this step or enter coordinates that are sufficiently imprecise that your exact location will not be disclosed.

There are several ways to find your approximate latitude and longitude, if you do not already know them. One way is to use the site Maporama, and then to enter the latitude and longitude values (in decimal format, not minutes) you receive into the boxes below. Another way is to find your location on the map shown on this page, and then to click on the spot where you live. If you wish, use the "volume" bar to zoom in before clicking, in order to specify your location with the greatest possible precision. (Note that if entering the values manually, you must remember that longitudes in the western hemisphere are negative, as are latitudes in southern hemisphere.)

Latitude: Negative for Southern hemisphere!
Longitude: Negative for Western hemisphere!