Job closed
This job was closed at May 13, 2024 16:10 GMT.

(Danish) Translation and Annotation Program

Wysłano: May 9, 2024 16:12 GMT   (GMT: May 9, 2024 16:12)

Job type: Oferta tłumaczenia pisemnego / redakcji / korekty
Service required: Translation

Języki: angielski > duński

Opis oferty pracy:

Morfem Lingusitucs, a language service provider based in Norway, is in need of linguists for a translation and annotation program in Danish. You will have the chance to do a paid test to see if this is something your skills and time are fit for. There is a high-priority period until June 22nd with an +80% increase in the rate paid.

What you will do:
* Watch videos in Danish, translate them into English, and insert comments/annotations in your translation to flag any potential slang, abusive or hateful content present in the video.
* Please note that while you need a good level of English, a native level is not required. We intentionally want to work with native speakers of the source language to ensure they have a good understanding of the source, including local slang or culture. The English output needs to be of good quality, but we are not looking for perfect/native level of English.
* Work is done offline – a Word template is shared with you and you complete the work using the YouTube video and this template.

Timeline and Availability:
* This project runs on tight turn-around-times, with no heads-up. High reactivity from translators is needed in order to meet deadlines. If your schedule is flexible and allows you to jump on this work with no heads-up, this project is for you!
* The length of videos is variable, but long videos will be split among several linguists, so each hand-off is expected to take you, on average, between 6 and 18 hours, depending on the video length.
* Weekend work may be needed. If you’re available to work during weekends, please let us know. You can still work on the project.
* Note that the program has already started for your language. The program is expected to run during the whole of 2024.

* An initial suitability test is paid with about 2 hours of work (at EUR 30/hr). If you pass our test, further work will be paid on a per-video-minute basis, roughly equivalent to 20% (6 EUR per min) of your hourly rate per minute (i.e., you are normally expected to process 5 video minutes in 1 hour of work).

A special period related to the upcoming EU Parliamentary Elections will start on May 15th and end on June 22nd . Approved partners will be paid +80% on top of their base rate for any work successfully completed.
Format tekstu źródłowego: Microsoft Word
Anv video
Format tekstu docelowego: Microsoft Word

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Sposób płatności: Przelew bankowy
Poster country: Norwegia

Wymagania dot. wykonawcy (określone przez zleceniodawcę):
info Wymagany język ojczysty: duński
Dziedzina : Komputery (ogólne)
Ostateczny termin przyjmowania odpowiedzi: May 13, 2024 16:10 GMT
Ostateczny termin wykonania zlecenia: Dec 31, 2024 17:10 GMT
O zleceniodawcy:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Otrzymane odpowiedzi: 11 (Job closed)