Membru din Jun '13

Limbile de lucru:
din engleză în română
din germană în română
din română în engleză
din germană în engleză

Anamaria Kasza
Accurate communication of the meaning

Bucharest, România
Ora locală: 21:37 EET (GMT+2)

Limba maternă: română Native in română
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What Anamaria Kasza is working on
Jun 22, 2023 (posted via  English-Romanian, 814 words, Brochure of a specialty chemical supplier (consumer, pool and industrial solutions) ...more, + 18 other entries »
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Hello and welcome to my ProZ page.

I became a translator because I felt it fits my personality: I always liked foreign languages and discovered that I am a quick learner (besides English and German, I also know Italian, Spanish, French, Hungarian, and Portuguese), I enjoy solving puzzles, I like to look up words and form the best possible sentence.

That being said I am here to know my clients and to understand their products and services, their terminology, and their target audience in order to provide the best translation services possible.

During my 20 years in the translation field (certified translator since 2003, with a BA in Foreign languages), I specialized in Business and Finance (Master’s Degree in Commerce), Engineering (I was born and raised in a family of inventors and engineers, so it’s in my blood), Law (before being a freelancer, for 10 years I worked for two consulting companies) and Medicine (where accuracy is a key factor, one thing that I like).

I work with Trados, MemoQ, Across, Memsource, XTM, Passolo, and Crowdin, but I am always willing to learn a new CAT tool if needed.

I always respond to urgent e-mails (even during weekends or after working hours). I am committed to quality (+ punctual delivery), pay great attention to detail, and do thorough research.

For a personalized offer, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your visit and I look forward to hearing from you.

Previous projects in numbers:

Technical4.500.000 words (mechanical/ electrical/ civil engineering, telecommunication, signaling, contact line, and power supply, automotive, motorcycles, MSDS, tools, and equipment catalog, home appliances, CNC systems)

Medicine3.500.000 words (user manuals, software for dialysis devices, user instructions for dental implants)

Law – 3.000.000 words (insurance-related documents, cooperation agreement, franchise agreement, EULAs, import-export contract, partnership agreement, employment contract, lease contract, contract of association, contract of assignment, consignment contract), powers of attorney, memorandum & Articles of Association, minutes of the meeting, financial and FIDIC (Red and Yellow) type contracts, registration certificates, attestations and status of the company, associations, and organizations)

Business and finance – 2.500.000 words (balance sheet, cash flow statements, profit and loss reports, business plans, auditor's reports, annual reports, training materials related mainly to sales topics, catalogs, brochures, flyers, translation of website contents, various questionnaires for the presentation of products, services and companies, product catalogs)

Other – IT&C, mathematics, microelectronics, audit and security systems, HR, real estate, agriculture, etc.

Acest utilizator a câştigat puncte KudoZ ajutând alţi traducători cu termeni nivel PRO. Faceţi clic pe punctajul total pentru a vizualiza traducerile de termeni propuse.

Total puncte câştigate: 48
(Total nivel PRO)

Clasament limbi (PRO)
din engleză în română40
din română în engleză8
Domeniu General (PRO)
Domeniu Restrâns (PRO)
Finanţe (general)12
Electronică/Inginerie electronică4
Inginerie (general)4
Inginerie: Industrială4
Poezie şi literatură4
Puncte în alte 2 domenii >

Vizualizaţi toate punctele câştigate >
Cuvinte cheie: English, Englisch, German, Deutsch, Romanian, Rumänisch, Trados, Studio, MemoQ, Wordfast. See more.English, Englisch, German, Deutsch, Romanian, Rumänisch, Trados, Studio, MemoQ, Wordfast, Transit, Crowdin, XTM, Memsource, Phrase, Passolo, technology, Technologie, Technik, mathematics, Mathematik, CNC machines, CNC-gesteuerte Werkzeugmaschinen, electronic, Elektronik, household appliances, Haushaltsgeräte, automotive, Automobilindustrie, legal, Recht, contracts, Verträge, Vertrag, engineering, Maschinenbau, Ingenieurwissenschaften, technical translator, technische Übersetzer, safety, Sicherheit, management, Management, safety data sheets (MSDS), Sicherheitsdatenblätter (SDB), healthcare, Gesundheitsversorgung, Gesundheitspflege, healthcare products, Gesundheitspflegeprodukte, agriculture, Landwirtschaft, user manual, Bedienungsanleitung, Benutzerhandbuch, instructions of use, IFU, Gebrauchsanweisung, computer, Computer, IT & C, agreement, Vereinbarung, equipment, Einrichtung, Ausrüstung, Hilfsmittel, technical, technisch, mechanical, mechanisch, electrical, elektrisch, marketing, Marketing, motorcycle, Motorrad, questionnaire, Fragebogen, HR, Personalabteilung, medical, medizinisch, ärztlich, medicine, Medizin, gas, Gas, engine, Motor, architecture, Architektur, building, Bauwesen, telecommunication, Telekommunikation, signaling, Signalisierung, Signalleucht, power supply, Stromversorgung, contact line, Fahrleitungsanlage, Oberleitungssystem, automotive, Automobilbranche, chemistry, Chemie, van, Lieferwagen, car, Auto, tool, Werkzeug, plants, equipment, Anlagen, Ausrüstung, turbine, Turbine, Solar and wind energy, Solar- und Windenergie, renewable energy, erneuerbarer Energie, enterprise, Unternehmen, real estate, Immobilien, movable property valuation, movable property, Begutachtungen beweglicher Gegenstände, beweglicher Gegenstände, website, Webseite, catalog of tools, operation manual, Betriebsanleitung, bids, Gebot, traducator roman german, e-commerce, advertising, Webung/PR, SEO Übersetzung, Webseiten, SEO-Texte, Translation, traducător autorizat, vereidigten Übersetzer, certified translator, translator, traduceri documente, certificate, Zeugnisse, übersetzer freelancer marketing SEO deutsch rumänisch, übersetzungen rumänisch, Marktforschung, Übersetzer für SEO Content Rumänisch, Translator from German into Romanian, SEO-Texte, übersetzungen, rumaenisch, Anmeldebescheinigung, Übersetzer für Rumänisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Traducător pentru română, germană, engleză, translator romana, translator, traducator autorizat de Ministerul Justiției, traduceri germana, traducator roman, übersetzer deutsch rumänisch, traducere, german, traduceri, traducere din germana in romana, traducator german roman, traducător, deutsch, übersetzer, traducator, roman, deutsch romana, german, traducere limba romana, übersetzer rumänisch-deutsch, romana germana, übersetzerin für romana germana, E-Commerce, civil engineering, Hoch- und Tiefbau, general medicine, Allgemeinmedizin, software, Software, IT, informatics, Informatik, hardware, Hardware, manual, Manual, brochure, Broschüre, presentation, Präsentation, Vorlage, dentistry, Zahnheilkunde, implant, implantat, implantology, Implantologie, laboratory and medical equipment, labortechnische Ausrüstung, laboratory, Labor, medical equipment, medizinische Ausrüstung, medizinische Geräte, dialysis, Dialyse, insurance, Versicherung, medical insurance, Krankenversicherung, Datenschutzerklaerung, privacy statement, privacy policy, cookie, Cookie, confidentiality, Vertraulichkeit, end user licence agreement, EULA, Endbenutzer-Lizenzvertrag, cardiology, Kardiologie, blood collection system, Blutentnahmesystem, business and finance, Wirtschaft und Finanzen, law, Gesetz, medicine, Medizin, Technik, Ingenieurwesen, mortar, Mortar, jointing mortar, Fugenmörtel, medical report, medizinische Bericht, logistics, Logistik, transportation, Transport, termdesinfector, Thermodesinfektor, load carrier, Lastenträger, hot stamping machine, Heißprägemaschine, Heissprägemaschine, Barrel Lifting Equipment, Hebevorrichtungen für Fässer, science, chemical, mechanical, electrical, automotive, appliances, advertising, manufacturing, oil & gas, plant, maintenance, manual, training, service, machinery, ophthalmology, Augenheilkunde, Ophthalmologie, invoicing, Fakturierung, Rechnung stellen procurement, Besorgung, Erwerbung. See less.

Ultima actualizare a profilului
Feb 28