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English to Turkish - Standard rate: 0.08 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour

Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Turkish: Remain Equanimous
Source text - English
Remain Equanimous
The following article, published in the Vipassana Journal (1983), is by N.H. Parikh. Mr. Parikh is from Bombay, India and was one of the first assistant teachers to be appointed by S.N. Goenka.
At the age of 42, while living the life of a good householder, there arose in me a tremendous urge to pursue the path of purification of mind. This was stirred up in me as the result of a saintly person I knew saying to me, "There can be no progress in the spiritual life without purification of mind." Immediately upon hearing these words I began to search for a method by which the mind could be purified.
Two friends of mine told me about Vipassana meditation as taught by Goenkaji, but at that time I wasnt inclined to go and try. But, when another friend attended the course and within a month expressed his desire to take a second course, I thought there must be something worthwhile in it. This was primarily because this man was a businessman to whom time and money were important, yet he was prepared to sacrifice both for the sake of Vipassana.
I attended my first course in July 1972, at Nasik and immediately stayed on for the following short course. In this first course, even though one gets only a glimpse of the depth of the technique, I felt that such a unique experience was just what I had been searching for. For the first time in my life I was really a meditator: really introverted, observing myself.
Despite this positive feeling, I did not want to blindly accept this technique without experimenting and putting it to test. So I decided to practice for three months at home and then practice intensively for another three months doing courses with Goenkaji in different camps throughout India. At the end of this period I was firmly convinced that here was a wonderful technique for purification of mind--purification which can eradicate defilements from the deepest levels of the mind. Now Vipassana has become a part of my life; not a mere rite or ritual, but a way of life.
Translation - Turkish
Dengeli Kalın
Okuyacağınız yazı N.H Parikh tarafından yazılmış ve 1983 yılında Vipassana Günlüğü’nde yayınlanmıştır. N.H.Parikh, Hindistan’ın Bombay şehrinde doğmuştur ve S.N.Goenka tarafından Yardımcı Öğretmen statüsüne getirilen ilk öğrencilerden biridir.
42 yaşımda, iş güç sahibi bir hayat yaşarken içimde şiddetli bir şekilde arınma yolunda ilerleme isteği doğdu. İçimde kutsal bir yol gösterici şöyle diyordu, “zihin kirliliklerden arındırılmadan, ruhani yaşamda ilerleme kaydedilemez”. Bu sözleri işitir işitmez zihni arındıracak metodları aramaya başladım.
İki arkadaşım Goenkaji tarafından öğretilen Vipassana meditasyonundan bahsettmişlerdi. Ama o sırada gidip denemeye pek yanaşmamıştım. Ama bir süre sonra başka bir arkadaşım da kursa katıldı ve aynı ay içinde ikinci kursunu da yapmak istediğini belirtince, denemeye değecek bir şeyler olabileceği kanısına vardım. Karar vermemdeki bir neden de bu arkadaşımın paraya ve zamana çok önem veren bir iş adamı olmasına rağmen Vipassana için herşeyi kurban edebilecek duruma gelmiş olmasıydı.
Temmuz 1972 de, Nasik’te ilk kursuma katıldım ve hemen ardından gelen kısa kursa da devam ettim. Her ne kadar insan ilk kursta tekniğin derinliğine yanlızca bir göz atabilsede, bu muazzam özellikteki tecrübenin aradığım şeyin ta kendisi olduğunu hissettim. Hayatımda ilk defa ben, gerçekten meditasyon yapan, içine dönmüş, kendini gözlemleyen bir kişiydim.
Bu pozitif hisse rağmen tekniği test etmeden, tecrübe etmeden körü körüne kabul etmek istemedim. Ve üç ay boyunca tekniği evde çalışmaya ve takibindeki üç ay da yoğun bir şekilde Goenkaji ile Hindistan’ın çeşitli bölgelerinde düzenlenen kamplardaki kurslara katılmaya karar verdim. Bu sürenin sonunda bu mükemmel tekniğin zihnin derinlerindeki kirliliklerden arınmak için olduğundan tam olarak emin oldum. Şimdi Vipassana hayatımın bir parçası haline geldi, bir töre veya ritüel değil ama bir yaşam şekli olarak.
English to Turkish: Indian History
Source text - English
History of India

India's extraordinary history is intimately tied to its geography. A meeting ground between the East and the West, it has always been an invader's paradise, while at the same time its natural isolation and magnetic religions allowed it to adapt to and absorb many of the peoples who penetrated its mountain passes. No matter how many Persians, Greeks, Chinese nomads, Arabs, Portuguese, British and other raiders had their way with the land, local Hindu kingdoms invariably survived their depradations, living out their own sagas of conquest and collapse. All the while, these local dynasties built upon the roots of a culture well established since the time of the first invaders, the Aryans. In short, India has always been simply too big, too complicated, and too culturally subtle to let any one empire dominate it for long.

True to the haphazard ambiance of the country, the discovery of India's most ancient civilization literally happened by accident. British engineers in the mid-1800's, busy constructing a railway line between Karachi and Punjab, found ancient, kiln-baked bricks along the path of the track. This discovery was treated at the time as little more than a curiosity, but archaeologists later revisited the site in the 1920's and determined that the bricks were over 5000 years old. Soon afterward, two important cities were discovered: Harappa on the Ravi river, and Mohenjodaro on the Indus.
The civilization that laid the bricks, one of the world's oldest, was known as the Indus. They had a written language and were highly sophisticated. Dating back to 3000 BC, they originated in the south and moved north, building complex, mathematically-planned cities. Some of these towns were almost three miles in diameter and contained as many as 30,000 residents. These ancient municipalities had granaries, citadels, and even household toilets. In Mohenjodaro, a mile-long canal connected the city to the sea, and trading ships sailed as far as Mesopotamia. At its height, the Indus civilization extended over half a million square miles across the Indus river valley, and though it existed at the same time as the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Sumer, it far outlasted them.
Translation - Turkish
Hindistan'ın Tarihi

Hin­dis­tan’ın sı­ra dı­şı ta­ri­hi, coğ­ra­fi du­ru­muy­la ya­kın­dan ilin­ti­li­dir. Do­ğuy­la ba­tı­nın bu­luş­tu­ğu bu yer, her za­man bir iş­gal­ci­ler cen­ne­ti ol­muş, ay­nı za­man­da da do­ğa­sın­dan ge­len ken­di ba­şı­na­lı­ğı ve in­sa­nı mık­na­tıs gi­bi çe­ken din­le­ri, dağ­la­rı­nın ara­sı­na so­ku­lan bir­çok in­sa­nı et­ki­le­miş­, değiştirmiştir. Top­rak­la­rın­dan ne kadar Persli, Yu­nan­lı, Por­te­kiz­li, Arap, İn­gi­liz ve Çin­li gö­çe­be ge­çer­se geç­sin, yer­li Hin­du kral­lık­la­rı bü­tün bun­la­ra gö­ğüs ger­ip, ken­di fe­tih ve çö­küş des­tan­la­rı­nı ken­di­le­ri yaz­mışlardır. Bü­tün bu sü­reç­te Hin­dis­tan’ın ye­rel ha­ne­dan­lık­la­rı, ül­ke­yi ilk iş­gal eden Ar­yanlar'­dan bu ya­na yer­leş­miş bir kül­tü­rün kök­le­ri üze­rin­de yük­sel­irler. Kı­sa­ca­sı, Hin­dis­tan her za­man için uzun sü­re tek bir im­pa­ra­tor­lu­ğun ha­ki­mi­ye­tin­de ka­la­ma­ya­cak ka­dar bü­yük, kar­ma­şık ve kül­tü­rel çe­şit­li­li­ği faz­la olan bir ül­keydi…
Ül­ke­nin çal­kan­tı­lı ko­şul­la­rı­na uy­gun ola­rak, Hin­dis­tan’ın en es­ki me­de­ni­ye­ti de ke­li­me­nin ger­çek an­la­mıy­la bir “ka­za” so­nu­cu or­ta­ya çı­ka­rıl­dı. 1800’le­rin or­ta­la­rın­da Ka­ra­çi ile Punjab ara­sın­da de­mir­yo­lu dö­şe­yen bir grup İn­gi­liz mü­hen­dis, yol­la­rı­nın üze­rin­de es­ki, piş­miş top­rak­tan tuğ­la­lar bul­du­lar. Bu bu­luş o za­man ha­fif çap­lı bir me­rak uyan­dır­ma­nın öte­si­ne geç­me­di. An­cak ar­ke­olog­lar 1920’ler­de böl­ge­yi ye­ni­den in­ce­le­di­ler ve tuğ­la­la­rın ya­şı­nın 5 bin yı­lı geç­ti­ği­ni tes­pit et­ti­ler. Kı­sa sü­re son­ra iki önem­li şe­hir or­ta­ya çı­ka­rıl­dı. Ra­vi Neh­ri kı­yı­sın­da­ki Ha­rap­pa ile In­dus Neh­ri kı­yı­sın­da­ki Mo­hen­jo­da­ro. Tuğ­la­la­rı üst üs­te di­zen bu me­de­ni­yet dün­ya­nın en es­ki­le­rin­den olan ve In­dus di­ye bi­li­nen me­de­ni­yetti. Ya­zı­lı ve so­fis­ti­ke bir dil­le­ri var­dı. Ta­ri­hi M.Ö. 3 bi­ne ka­dar gi­den In­dus­lar gü­ney­de or­ta­ya çı­kıp ku­ze­ye iler­le­miş­ler­di. Bu iler­le­me sı­ra­sın­da komp­li­ke, ma­te­ma­tik­sel pla­nı olan şe­hir­ler kur­muşlardır. Bu şe­hir­ler­den ki­mi­le­ri­nin ça­pı 4.5 km’ye ka­dar çı­kı­yor­du ve 30 bin nü­fu­su olan­lar var­dı.
Bu an­tik yer­le­şim­ler­de ta­hıl am­bar­la­rı, hi­sar­lar ve hat­ta ev­ler­de tu­va­let bi­le var­dı. Mo­hen­jo­da­ro’da ken­ti de­ni­ze bağ­la­yan 1,5 km uzun­lu­ğun­da bir ka­nal bu­lu­nu­yor­du ve ge­mi­ler Me­zo­po­tam­ya’ya gi­de­bi­li­yor­du. In­dus Me­de­ni­ye­ti en par­lak gün­le­rin­de In­dus Neh­ri Va­di­si'n­de 800 bin km’lik bir ala­na ya­yıl­mış­tı ve Mı­sır ile Sü­mer Me­de­ni­yet­le­ri ile ay­nı dö­ne­me ait ol­du­ğu hal­de, var­lı­ğı­nı her iki­sin­den de uzun sü­re de­vam et­tirmiştir.

Experience Years of experience: 24. Registered at May 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress

I am a business marketing professional with 13 years of experience with multinational companies.

I have undertaken numerous jobs and projects since 1995. Apart from full time jobs mainly related to marketing management and project execution, I have 7 years of experience in content management and freelance research and translation.

I translate from Turkish into English as well as from English into Turkish. I am a native Turkish speaker who has lived in the USA as a teenager and learned English there. In later years I found much opportunity to read, talk and write in English due to my frequent traveling.

I have extensive experience in proofreading, editing and content management. I am also experienced in translating in fixed space constraints and meeting strict deadlines. I am familiar with both British English and American English idioms and slang.

I have translated and edited documents and web pages in numerous formats.

My areas of specialization can be listed as:

- Information technology and computers: hardware and software, systems and networks
- Internet, e-commerce, multimedia, online communities
- Telecommunications
- Science, especially aerospace, space and astronomy
- Government and politics
- Marketing, advertising and public relations, business, management, corporate documents
- Social sciences,
- Environmental issues,
- Philosophy,
- Psychology,


I write for a award winning magazine in Istanbul, Turkey.

I have also undertaken as the chief editor of a world travel guide project, which is the first of its kind in Turkey.

I have been traveling and living outside of Turkey for many years and I hope my life experience as well as linguistic knowledge and enthusiasm will match your requirements as a translator.

Best wishes,
Gulenay Pema Antep
Keywords: marketing, business, tourism, traveling, creative writing, guides, textile, fashion, design, cooking. See, business, tourism, traveling, creative writing, guides, textile, fashion, design, cooking, sociology, photography.. See less.

Profile last updated
Apr 16, 2008

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