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Art of Translation and Interpreting
59 articles in this category (not counting subcategories)
Book Reviews (19) Interpreting (46)
Literature and Poetry (43) Translation Techniques (77)
Translation Theory (73) Translator Education (75)
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» Ukrainian Translation Facts: Tips for Clients and QA Teams
This article is intended for people who do not speak Ukrainian but have to order, manage, and coordinate Ukrainian translations. Below we present some simple facts that will allow you to avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings when working with your Ukrainian suppliers. We note that similar problems exist with other Slavic languages (e.g. Russian, Polish, Slovakian, etc.), so these tips are valid for more than just Ukrainian. You can read a similar article about the Russian language.
» Russian Translation Quality Pitfalls: Tips for Clients and QA Teams
By Technolex | Published 05/18/2016 | Art of Translation and Interpreting | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecI
This article is intended for people who do not speak Russian but have to order, manage, and coordinate Russian translations. Below we present some simple facts that will allow you to avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings when working with your Russian suppliers. We note that similar problems exist with other Slavic languages (e.g. Ukrainian, Polish, Slovakian, etc.), so these tips are valid for more than just Russian.
» Translation Agency: Behind the Scenes
By Technolex | Published 03/31/2016 | Art of Translation and Interpreting | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecI
In this article we will try to tell you what is happening in a translation agency after your order has been received in the pipeline. It would seem there’s nothing to tell: “the text is received, sent to translator, received from translator, and sent back to the customer”. But believe us: with many orders there are micro dramas that nobody will tell you about — for your peace of mind. Let’s look into the backstage and see what is happening there...
» Interpreting In Court
By Carl Tengstrom | Published 04/12/2014 | Art of Translation and Interpreting | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecI
These are my memories from the time I was an assisting judge at the Circuit Court in Haparanda, Sweden. During that time I had the opportunity to be an interpreter in the court sessions almost every day.
Localisms versus Accuracy
By Marcia R Pinheiro | Published 12/25/2013 | Art of Translation and Interpreting | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecI
On how the linguist has to make use of the uppermost levels of reasoning complexity to find a perfect, or a close-to-perfect, match in the target language.
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» Naturalness in Translation

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