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Inggris ke Indonesia: Cardio Prognosis General field: Kedokteran Detailed field: Kedokteran: Kardiologi
Teks sumber - Inggris Hepato-cellular carcinoma is the primary malignancy of the liver. It develops in persons with chronic liver disease (chronic hepatitis B infection or cirrhosis). Male to female ratio is 3:1. The outcome of liver cancer is poor as it is mostly identified in the later ages.
The outlook for liver cancer is poor. People often identify liver cancer at a late stage. Before liver cancer spreads from its original site, the 5-year survival rate is 31%. This means that 31% of people who doctors diagnose with liver cancer will survive to at least 5 years after diagnosis.
The liver is an important organ related to metabolism in the body. Like any cancer, liver cancer affects the quality of life significantly. It can cause extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, and body aches. Sexual dysfunction and gynecomastia are common too. Financial constraints leading to reduced quality of life because of cancer are common too.
Patients with HCC report several symptoms which are severe enough to affect the QoL like, sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, ascites, gynecomastia. Pruritis. Fatigue, muscle cramps. The indicators that have been used in trials thus far are based on these symptoms.
Symptoms of liver cancer that affect the quality of life are sleep disorders. Pruritis, fatigue. Muscle cramps. Sexual dysfunction.
Liver cancer symptoms are slight or non-existent in the early stages. High-risk individuals like hepatitis, alcohol patients should undergo regular screening for liver cancer. If liver cancer progress or comes back symptoms like weight loss, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice, chalky stools are seen. Fatigue and significant weight loss are seen in high-risk individuals.
If liver cancer comes back then the prognosis is poor. Morbidity and mortality is high. Secondary metastasis more common leading to cachexia. Surgery and chemotherapy helpful before metastasis.
Some cancers come back only once, while others reappear multiple times. This can happen weeks, months, or even years after the original cancer was treated. The chance of liver cancer coming back depends on the type of primary cancer. Many patients develop signs and symptoms of weight loss, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, variceal hemorrhages, ascites, jaundice, hepatomegaly, or a right hypochondrial mass. Liver cancer patients should be offered screening every 3-6 months.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Karsinoma hepato-seluler adalah penyakit ganas hati yang utama. Penyakit ini berkembang pada penderita penyakit hati kronis (infeksi hepatitis B kronis atau sirosis). Perbandingan penderita pria dan wanita adalah 3:1. Prognosis kanker hati dinilai buruk karena sebagian besar baru ditemukan pada usia lanjut.
Prognosis kanker hati dinilai buruk. Penderita kanker hati seringnya baru ditemukan pada stadium akhir. Sebelum kanker hati menyebar dari area asalnya, tingkat kelangsungan hidup 5 tahun adalah 31%. Artinya 31% penderita yang didiagnosis kanker hati akan bertahan hidup setidaknya hingga 5 tahun setelah diagnosis.
Hati adalah organ penting yang berhubungan dengan metabolisme dalam tubuh. Seperti halnya kanker lain, kanker hati mempengaruhi kualitas hidup secara signifikan. Kanker ini dapat menyebabkan kelelahan ekstrem, kram otot, nyeri pada tubuh, disfungsi seksual dan ginekomastia. Kendala keuangan karena kanker yang menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup juga sering terjadi.
Penderita HCC melaporkan beberapa gejala yang cukup parah sehingga mempengaruhi kualitas hidup seperti, gangguan tidur, disfungsi seksual, asites, ginekomastia, pruritis, kelelahan, dan kram otot. Indikator yang telah digunakan dalam uji coba sejauh ini didasarkan pada gejala-gejala tersebut.
Gejala kanker hati yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup adalah gangguan tidur, pruritis, kelelahan, kram otot, dan disfungsi seksual.
Pada tahap awal, gejala kanker hati hanya tampak sedikit atau tidak tampak sama sekali. Individu yang berisiko tinggi seperti penderita hepatitis dan peminum alkohol harus menjalani skrining kanker hati rutin. Jika kanker hati semakin parah akan muncul gejala seperti penurunan berat badan, kehilangan nafsu makan, sakit perut, penyakit kuning, tinja berkapur. Kelelahan dan penurunan berat badan yang signifikan biasanya nampak pada penderita berisiko tinggi.
Jika kanker hati muncul kembali, maka prognosisnya buruk. Morbiditas dan mortalitasnya tinggi. Umumnya metastasis sekunder mengarah ke kakeksia. Pembedahan dan kemoterapi dapat membantu penderita sebelum metastasis.
Terkadang kanker muncul kembali hanya sekali, namun ada juga yang muncul kembali beberapa kali dan bisa terjadi selama berminggu-minggu, berbulan-bulan, atau bahkan bertahun-tahun setelah kanker asalnya diobati. Kemungkinan kanker hati muncul kembali bergantung pada jenis kanker utama. Banyak penderita menunjukkan gejala penurunan berat badan, mual, kehilangan nafsu makan, sakit perut, perdarahan varises, asites, penyakit kuning, hepatomegali, atau benjolan hipokondria kanan. Penderita kanker hati harus rutin skrining setiap 3-6 bulan.
Inggris ke Indonesia: MMORPG Game Character Profile General field: Lainnya Detailed field: Permainan / Video Games / Permainan
Teks sumber - Inggris "[Profile]
Name: Harold Douglas
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Excel In: Baseball batting
Hobbies: Baseball, getting in bar fights
Profession or Occupation: Street Gangster
[Harold's Quotes]
""Look, if I'm not the king of the street, I don't know what is.""
""I am Harold Douglas, no nickname, no nothing, just Harold Douglas. You should've heard of it. If you don't, you'd better.""
""Nobody is gonna mess with my homeboys in Fenway, and I'mma get real mad if some pricks take a piss in my park!""
""Y'all better pray the Red Sox to win today. If not, I'll hit your head off all the way across Charles River!""
""Batter up! Two hits, I hit you, you hit the ground!"""
Penerjemahan - Indonesia "[Profil]
Nama: Harold Douglas
Usia: 36
Jenis Kelamin: Pria
Unggul Dalam: Pukulan bisbol
Hobi: Bisbol, berkelahi di bar
Profesi atau Pekerjaan: Gangster Jalanan
[Kutipan Harold]
""Jika aku bukanlah raja jalanan, aku tidak tahu siapa lagi.""
”Aku Harold Douglas, tidak punya julukan lain, hanya Harold Douglas. Kau pasti pernah mendengarnya. Kalau belum, kini kau mendengarnya.""
""Jangan ada yang berani macam-macam dengan teman-temanku di Fenway, dan aku akan marah besar jika ada bajingan kencing di tamanku!""
""Berdoalah agar Red Sox menang hari ini. Jika tidak, akan kupukul kepalamu sampai terbang ke seberang Sungai Charles!""
""Pemukul bersiap! Dua pukulan, aku memukulmu, kamu membentur tanah!"""
Pendidikan penerjemahan
Master's degree - Universitas Brawijaya
Dalam penerjemahan (tahun): 5. Terdaftar di Dec 2018.
ChatGPT, Google Translator Toolkit, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Protemos, Smartcat, Trados Studio, XTM
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As a freelance interpreter and translator with over 4 years of experience, I specialize in providing high-quality language services to individuals and organizations worldwide. My expertise spans a variety of industries, including manufacturing to NGOs, and I have a proven track record of helping clients communicate effectively and achieve their goals.
As an interpreter, I am fluent in Bahasa Indonesia (native) and English, and I have experience interpreting for a wide range of settings, including human rights and health. I am skilled at simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, and I am comfortable interpreting for both small and large groups.
As a translator, I have translated a wide range of documents, including company manuals and research papers, and I am experienced in using translation software and tools to ensure accuracy and consistency. I am committed to delivering high-quality translations that capture the nuances of the source text while conveying the intended meaning in the target language.