Translation glossary: Alainmv

Showing entries 401-450 of 513
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robbery, snatch-and-runvol qualifié, vol à l'arrachée 
English to French
roulageRoad traffic law 
French to English
rupture conventionnelleContractual termination of an employment agreement 
French to English
rupture conventionnelleContractual termination of an employment agreement 
French to English
Sales Yearannée de vente 
English to French
sans qu'on sache à la demande, subsidiaire, de quelle partiewith no indication as to which party filed this secondary claim 
French to English
sætte retning påto provide a clear direction to 
Danish to English
s’y instaurentthe development of 
French to English
se pourvoir au fondordered the case of the parties to be tried on the merits 
French to English
se trouvant à un titre quelconqueoccupying on any basis whatsoever 
French to English
sector was flatstagnant 
English to French
French to English
servicing the capitalpayer les intérêts du capital 
English to French
set off with the receivablecompensation des sommes à recevoir 
English to French
set-date courtaudience de fixation 
English to French
shall expect as hereby expressly variedsauf dérogation expresse dans les présentes 
English to French
shall not ne pourra y être donné suite. 
English to French
shepherding key contract closureaccompagner la finalisation des principaux contrats 
English to French
should themselves be a member of the partydoit elle-même faire partie des occupants 
English to French
shutdown codecode d'arrêt 
English to French
Siégeant en matière civile et gracieusein a civil and non-contentious proceeding 
French to English
sis quartier du fleuvelocated at 
French to English
sleeper fraudfraude à retardement 
English to French
small equity positionfaible participation 
English to French
société d'exercice libéral à responsabilité limitéeprivate practice company with limited liability 
French to English
société d'exercice libéral à responsabilité limitéeprivate practice company with limited liability 
French to English
société par actions simplifiée à associé uniquesingle member simplified limited company 
French to English
sole shareholderactionnaire unique 
English to French
Solen sortaround the clock 
Danish to English
sont habiles à se dire et porter héritiers ou ayant droits(they) qualify as heirs or assigns 
French to English
sous peine de sanctionsunder penalty of sanctions 
French to English
sous réserve d'un montant spécifique de coassurance.subject to a specific coinsurance amount 
French to English
soutenir un mémoireto defend a thesis 
French to English
soutenir un mémoireto defend a thesis 
French to English
speaker agreementcontrat de conférencier 
English to French
speaker agreementcontrat de conférencier 
English to French
Specialised Commercial Crime Courttribunal des infractions commerciales 
English to French
spellbinding 'dreamscapes'paysages de rêve envoûtants 
English to French
split receiptreçu fractionné 
English to French
St John's rootMillepertuis 
English to French
stand in processing facilitysystème de traitement auxiliaire 
English to French
Stand-by Statementcommuniqué type 
English to French
Statuer aux frais ce qu’en droit il appartiendrato adjudicate on the costs in accordance with the requirements of the law 
French to English
statutory modificationmodification légale 
English to French
stock contractscontrats d'actions 
English to French
storage fragmentationFragmentation du stockage 
English to French
style book projectprojet de charte graphique 
English to French
Sub-registrar of marriagesl'Officier d'état civil adjoint 
English to French
submission to development lawsle respect des lois d'urbanisation 
English to French
substituée aux bénéfices et chargeswill take over the profits and charges 
French to English
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