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Inggris ke Indonesia: Agreement for Housing Building Utilization General field: Hukum/Paten Detailed field: Konstruksi / Rekayasa Sipil
Teks sumber - Inggris Operative provisions
1 Definitions and interpretation
1.1 In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires:
Additional Sales & Marketing Charges means the sales & marketing charges referred to in the Brand Compliance Manual which are not included in the Group Marketing Levy. Where the charges specified in the Brand Compliance Manual are being levied by a third party (e.g. Sales-force), the Owner agrees that the amounts will be changed to match any change in price or method of charging levied by the relevant third party (either upwards or downwards) from the date the change in pricing is made by the relevant third party.
Affiliate means, in respect of any Person:
(a) being a corporate entity, shall mean any entity or Person, which Controls, or is Controlled by, or is under the common Control of such Person;
(b) being an individual shall mean any relative or any other entity or Person which is Controlled by such Person or a relative of such individual. For the purpose of this sub-clause, relative of an individual shall mean parents, spouse, brothers, sisters and children of that individual; and
(c) in any other case shall mean a Person Controlled by a party or parties to this Agreement.
Annual Budget has the meaning set out in clause 6.2.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Pasal operasi
1 Definisi dan interpretasi
1.1 Dalam Perjanjian ini kecuali konteksnya menentukan lain:
Biaya Tambahan Penjualan & Pemasaran berarti biaya penjualan & pemasaran dimaksud pada Pedoman Kepatuhan Merekyang tidak termasuk dalam Pajak Pekerja Asing Pemasaran Grup. Biaya yang ditentukan di dalam Pedoman Kepatuhan Merek sedang dipungut pihak ketiga (misalnya tenaga penjualan), Pemilik sepakat bahwa jumlah akan berubah untuk menyesuaikan setiap perubahan harga atau metode pembebanan yang dikenakan pihak ketiga terkait (ke atas maupun ke ke bawah) dari tanggal perubahan harga dibuat pihak ketiga terkait.
Afiliasi berarti, sehubungan dengan setiap Orang yang:
(a) menjadi entitas perusahaan, artinya setiap entitas atau Orang, yang Mengendalikan, atau Dikendalikan oleh, atau berada di bawah Kendali umum Orang tersebut;
(b) menjadi seorang individu berarti setiap keluarga atau entitas lain atau Orang yang Dikendalikan oleh Orang tersebut atau kerabat individu. Untuk tujuan ini sub pasal, relatif individu berarti orang tua, pasangan, saudara laki-laki, saudara perempuan dan anak-anak dari individu tersebut; serta
(c) dalam hal lain berarti Orang yang Dikendalikan oleh pihak atau para pihak di dalam Perjanjian ini.
Anggaran Tahunan memiliki arti yang ditetapkan dalam pasal 6.2.
Indonesia ke Inggris: Perjanjian Pemanfaatan Bangunan Rumah General field: Hukum/Paten Detailed field: Konstruksi / Rekayasa Sipil
Teks sumber - Indonesia 2. KOMPENSASI
2.1. Sebagai kompensasi pemanfaatan 1 (satu) bangunan mess dan 1 (satu) bangunan rumah, PIHAK KEDUA akan dibebani sebesar Rp48.315.000,- (empat puluh delapan juta tiga ratus lima belas ribu rupiah) selama jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun.
2.2. Pembayaran kompensasi 1 (satu) bangunan mess dan 1 (satu) bangunan rumah dilakukan oleh PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA sekaligus untuk satu periode masa Perjanjian dan dibayarkan selambat-lambatnya 1 (satu) bulan setelah Perjanjian ini ditandatangani.
2.3. Sebagai kompensasi atas kelebihan pemakaian listrik dan air bersih PIHAK KEDUA akan dibebani biaya sebesar Rp450/m3 untuk air bersih dan Rp439/Kwh untuk listrik dan gas (disamakan dengan 2 buah tabung gas elpiji/bulan), sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
2.4. Pembayaran kompensasi atas kelebihan pemakaian listrik dan air bersih dilakukan PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA secara periode bulanan sesuai jumlah kelebihan pemakaian berdasarkan tagihan PIHAK PERTAMA kepada PIHAK KEDUA berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan oleh fungsi PML/Listrik.
Pembayaran kompensasi kelebihan pemakaian listrik dan air bersih selambat-lambatnya 7 (tujuh) hari setelah PIHAK KEDUA menerima tagihan dari PIHAK PERTAMA.
Penerjemahan - Inggris 2. COMPENSATION.
2.1. As compensation for the utilization of 1 (one) dormitory building and one (1) house building, the SECOND PARTY will be charged Rp48,315,000,- (forty eight million three hundred fifteen thousand rupiah) for a period of 1 (one) year.
2.2. Compensation payment for 1 (one) dormitory building and 1 (one) house building would be paid by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY by lump sum payment for one period of the Agreement and paid no later than one (1) month after the Agreement was signed.
2.3. As compensation for the excess of electricity and clean water usage, the SECOND PARTY will be charged a fee of Rp450/m3 for clean water and Rp439/Kwh for electricity and gas (equated with 2 LPG tubes/month), in accordance with the applicable provisions.
2.4. Compensation payment for the excess of electricity and clean water usage would be paid by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY every month according to the number of excess of usage based on the FIRST PARTY billing to the SECOND PARTY based on inspection by the PML /Electricity function.
Compensation payment for the excess of electricity and clean water usage would be made no later than 7 (seven) days after the SECOND PARTY receives a bill from the FIRST PARTY.
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I am Certified Translator from One Hour Translation and Full Member of The Association of Indonesian Translator or Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (HPI). I have been in the translation for nearly 8 years in providing highly accurate translating services for a range of clients and industries. My background in successfully translating documents from English to Indonesia (or vice versa) prepares me to meet your needs and requirements for this project.
With my proven history of providing meticulous and reliable translations to achieve the closest matches in context/meaning along with my time management skills I am ready to extend my record of excellence to you. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Warmest regards, David Wijaya
Kata kunci: english, indonesian, translator, translation, document, business, legal, finance, marketing, legal. See more.english, indonesian, translator, translation, document, business, legal, finance, marketing, legal, others. See less.
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