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Inggris ke Indonesia: Code of Business Conduct General field: Lainnya Detailed field: Sumber Daya Manusia
Teks sumber - Inggris CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT
PT XXX Tbk is committed to increasing its value to customers, employees and shareholders by profitably providing beneficial products and services to markets. We will fulfill this commitment while upholding the highest level of ethical conduct and meeting our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. Although laws and customs will vary in the many countries in which we operate, our basic ethical responsibilities are unchanged. The Company’s ethical standards are set forth in this Guide. Under PT XXX Tbk ethical standards, Company employees share certain responsibilities, but individually each is accountable for:
1. Becoming familiar with and conducting Company business in compliance with applicable laws.
2. Adhering to Company standards for protecting the environment and the safety and health of our employees, our customers, our communities and our contractors.
3. Treating all customers and suppliers in an honest and fair manner.
4. Avoiding situations where personal interests are, or appear to be, in conflict with Company interests.
5. Safeguarding and properly using Company proprietary information, assets and resources, as well as those of other organizations entrusted to the Company.
6. Maintaining confidentiality of nonpublic information and not acting on such information for personal gain.
7. Exercising good judgement in making legal political contributions or in using political influence.
Underlying these basic responsibilities is the philosophy that we must maintain respect and dignity for the individual and ensure each person is fairly treated.
Basic guidance on each of these responsibilities is provided on the following pages.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia KODE ETIK PERILAKU BISNIS
PT XXX Tbk bertekad meningkatkan nilainya di mata pelanggan, pekerja dan pemegang saham dengan cara menyediakan produk dan jasa yang menguntungkan dan bermanfaat di pasar. Kita akan melaksanakan tekad ini dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi perilaku bisnis yang beretika, dan memenuhi kewajiban sebagai perusahaan yang bersih. Meskipun hukum dan adat istiadat di negara-negara lain tempat kita berbisnis bisa berbeda-beda, tanggung jawab kita terhadap etika bisnis tetap tidak berubah. Pedoman-pedoman itu telah dijabarkan dalam buku ini. Mengacu kepada standar etika tersebut, semua pekerja memiliki tanggung jawab yang sama, dan masing-masing pekerja harus:
1. Memahami dan menjalankan usaha Perusahaan dengan tetap patuh kepada hukum yang berlaku.
2. Memegang teguh standar Perusahaan dalam bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi semua pekerja, pelanggan, lingkungan dan kontraktor kita.
3. Selalu bertindak jujur dan adil kepada semua pelanggan dan pemasok.
4. Menghindari hal-hal yang dapat menimbulkan konflik, atau bisa dianggap sebagai konflik, antara kepentingan pribadi dengan kepentingan Perusahaan.
5. Senantiasa menjaga dan memakai secara patut data, aset dan sumber-sumber apapun milik Perusahaan yang dipercayakan kepadanya.
6. Menjaga kerahasiaan informasi yang tidak boleh diketahui masyarakat, dan dilarang keras menyalahgunakan informasi semacam itu untuk memperoleh keuntungan pribadi.
7. Selalu mempertimbangkan dengan bijak keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan politik atau dalam memakai pengaruh politik.
Dalam hal tanggung jawab ini ada filosofi yang harus dipahami, yaitu bahwa kita harus menjaga harga diri dan martabat setiap pekerja, dan bahwa setiap orang harus mendapat perlakuan yang adil.
Pedoman-pedoman pokok mengenai tanggung jawab ini dapat dilihat pada halaman-halaman selanjutnya.
Inggris ke Indonesia: Clinging to the Past General field: Ilmu Sosial Detailed field: Psikologi
Teks sumber - Inggris Flaw #12
Clinging to the past
There is a school of thought among psychologists and behavioral consultants that we can understand a lot about our errant behavior by delving into our past, particularly our family dynamics. This is the school that believes “when it’s hysterical, it’s historical.”
If you’re a perfectionist or constant approval seeker, it’s because your parents never said you were good enough. If you operate above the rules and feel you can do no wrong, it’s because your parents doted on you and inflated your importance. If you freeze around authority figures, it’s because you had a controlling mother. And so on.
That school is on permanent recess here.
I don’t have much patience with “therapy” that clings to the past – because going backwards is not about creating change. It’s about understanding.
One of my earliest clients used to spend hours telling me, “Marshall, you don’t understand. Let me explain why I have these issues. Let me explain my mother and father.” It was one long unendurable whine. Finally, I reached into my pocket for a coin and said, “Here’s a quarter. Call someone who cares.”
Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with understanding. Understanding the past is perfectly admissible if your issue is accepting the past. But if your issue is changing the future, understanding will not take you there. My experience tells me that the only effective approach is looking people in the eye and saying, “If you want to change, do this.”
But even with the blunt talk, clients who cling to the past – who want to understand why they are the way they are – remain my toughest assignments. It takes me a long time to convince them that they can’t do anything about the past. They can’t change it, or rewrite it, or make excuses for it. All they can do is accept it and move on.
But for some reason, many people enjoy living in the past, especially if going back there lets them blame someone else for anything that’s gone wrong in their lives. That’s when clinging to the past becomes an interpersonal problem. We use the past as a weapon against others.
For example, how many of us have tried to impress our colleagues or loved ones with our near-photographic recall of their previous sins? We itemize each error, each oversight, each breach of decorum as if it happened yesterday, thinking that in sharing the memories we will help our colleagues or partners change their behavior. If you’ve ever done this, how effective was it?
It’s more annoying than effective – by miles – because whether we articulate it or not, when we hear our past sins recounted with such fervor, our only response is, “That happened a long time ago. There’s nothing I can do about it now. Let it go.”
Penerjemahan - Indonesia KELEMAHAN #12
Terpaku pada masa lalu
Ada aliran pendapat di antara para psikolog dan konsultan perilaku bahwa kita dapat memahami perilaku yang menyimpang, dengan cara menggali masa lalu kita, terutama dinamika dalam keluarga. Aliran ini berpendapat ‘jika histeris, maka lihat sejarahnya.”
Seandainya Anda perfeksionis atau pemburu izin yang kronis, itu karena orangtua Anda tidak pernah memuji bahwa Anda sudah cukup baik. seandainya Anda suka melanggar aturan dan merasa tidak pernah berbuat salah, itu karena orangtua Anda memanjakan Anda dan menekankan bahwa Anda orang penting secara berlebihan. Seandainya Anda gentar berada di sekitar penguasa, itu karena ibu Anda selalu mengontrol tingkah laku Anda. Dan seterusnya.
Aliran tersebut tidak dipakai lagi secara permanen.
Saya tidak terlalu sabar dengan ‘terapi’ yang mengungkit masa lalu—karena kembali ke belakang itu bukan bicara mengenai perubahan. Melainkan mengenai pemahaman.
Salah satu klien saya yang suka datang lebih awal sering menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk berkata, “Marshall, kau tidak mengerti. Akan kujelaskan mengapa aku mengungkapkan permasalahan ini. Aku akan bercerita mengenai ayah dan ibuku.” Ceritanya itu berupa keluhan yang panjang dan penuh penderitaan. Akhirnya saya meraba-raba saku untuk mengambil koin, dan berkata, “Ini ada uang satu quarter. Teleponlah seseorang yang peduli.”
Jangan salah mengerti. Memahami itu tidak ada salahnya. Memahami masa lalu sangat dianjurkan seandainya pokok permasalahannya adalah menerima masa lalu. Namun, jika permasalahannya adalah mengubah masa depan, maka pemahaman tidak akan membawa Anda ke sana. Menurut pengalaman saya, satu-satunya pendekatan yang efektif hanya dengan menatap matanya dan berkata, “Seandainya kau ingin berubah, lakukan ini.”
Tetapi bahkan dengan mengobrol blak-blakan pun, klien yang terpaku pada masa lalu—yang ingin memahami mengapa mereka menjadi seperti sekarang ini—tetap menjadi tugas yang paling berat bagi saya. Saya perlu waktu lama untuk meyakinkan mereka bahwa mereka tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa terhadap masa lalu. Mereka tidak dapat mengubahnya, menulis ulang, atau mencari dalih-dalih pembenaran. Mereka harus dapat menerima masa lalu, dan melanjutkan kehidupan.
Tapi dengan beberapa alasan, banyak orang menikmati hidup pada masa lalu, terutama jika dengan kembali ke masa lalu itu mereka dapat menimpakan kesalahan pada orang lain atas segala ketidakberesan dalam hidup mereka. Dan itu terjadi pada saat mengungkit masa lalu tersebut menjadi masalah interpersonal. Kita memakainya sebagai senjata untuk menyakiti orang lain.
Misalnya, berapa banyak dari antara kita yang berusaha membuat kolega atau orang-orang yang kita cintai terkesan pada daya ingat kita yang mendekati fotografis mengenai dosa-dosa mereka. Kita menyebut satu per satu setiap kesalahan, setiap kecerobohan, setiap pelanggaran, seolah-olah itu baru terjadi kemarin, karena menganggap bahwa dengan mengungkit kenangan tersebut kita membantu kolega atau mitra kita itu agar mengubah perilaku mereka. Seandainya Anda pernah melakukannya, seberapakah efektifitasnya?
Lebih berdampak menjengkelkan daripada efektif—berkali lipat—karena entah kita mengungkapkannya secara terang-terangan atau tidak, jika kita mendengar dosa-dosa masa lalu kita diungkit-ungkit lagi dengan penuh semangat, tanggapan kita hanya, "Itu sudah lama sekali terjadi. tidak ada yang dapat kulakukan untuk mengubahnya. Lupakan saja.”
Inggris ke Indonesia: Sample from a website General field: Pemasaran Detailed field: Umum / Konversasi / Sapaan / Surat
Teks sumber - Inggris XXX only contracts the services of suitably qualified and experienced professionals who have a proven track record as reliable and ethical practitioners.
XXX has been providing high quality translation and localisation services for over 13 years. As technology changes, so do the needs of our clients. XXX is always looking for experienced freelance translators, copy-editors, and proofreaders who are ready to take on that challenge.
The people we are looking for:
• hold relevant accreditation,
• are native speakers of the target language,
• have native-quality knowledge of the source language,
• have excellent grammar and writing skills,
• are computer literate,
• have a PC or Macintosh computer, and
• have access to fax and e-mail.
Candidates who meet these requirements will be tested on their familiarity with technical subjects and terminology. The tests are carefully evaluated. All candidates will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement to ensure client confidentiality. Once a job is assigned, XXX will help translators by providing them any available information that might be helpful in the translation process.
XXX highly values its contractors. The quality of your work is key to our and the client's success. If you are interested in joining our team or if you would just like to have some more information, please contact YYY and send your resume as an attachment.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia XXX hanya menjalin kontrak atas layanan para profesional yang handal dan berpengalaman yang memiliki catatan karier sebagai praktisi yang dapat dipercaya dan menjunjung tinggi etika.
XXX telah memberikan layanan penerjemahan dan pelokalan lebih dari 13 tahun. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, berkembang juga kebutuhan klien kami. XXX selalu mencari penerjemah, copy-editor, dan proofreader yang siap menyambung tantangan tersebut.
Orang-orang yang kami cari:
• memiliki akreditasi yang relevan,
• penutur asli bahasa sasaran,
• memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang bahasa sumber,
• memiliki tatabahasa dan kemampuan menulis yang sangat baik.
• mampu menggunakan komputer,
• memiliki komputer PC atau Macintosh, dan
• memiliki akses faksimili dan surel.
Para calon yang memenuhi persyaratan ini akan diberi tes yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan mereka tentang materi teknis dan peristilahan. Tes ini dievaluasi dengan seksama. Semua calon diminta untuk menandatangani kesepakatan kerahasiaan untuk memastikan kerahasiaan klien. Setelah pekerjaan diberikan, XXX akan membantu penerjemah dengan memberikan informasi yang tersedia yang akan membantu dalam proses penerjemahan.
XXX memberikan penghargaan tinggi kepada para kontraktornya. Kualitas pekerjaan Anda merupakan kunci atas keberhasilan kami dan keberhasilan klien. Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan tim kami atau jika Anda hanya ingin mendapatkan informasi tambahan, silakan hubungi YYY dan lampirkan CV Anda.
Inggris ke Jawa: Sample from a website General field: Pemasaran Detailed field: Umum / Konversasi / Sapaan / Surat
Teks sumber - Inggris XXX only contracts the services of suitably qualified and experienced professionals who have a proven track record as reliable and ethical practitioners.
XXX has been providing high quality translation and localisation services for over 13 years. As technology changes, so do the needs of our clients. XXX is always looking for experienced freelance translators, copy-editors, and proofreaders who are ready to take on that challenge.
The people we are looking for:
• hold relevant accreditation,
• are native speakers of the target language,
• have native-quality knowledge of the source language,
• have excellent grammar and writing skills,
• are computer literate,
• have a PC or Macintosh computer, and
• have access to fax and e-mail.
Candidates who meet these requirements will be tested on their familiarity with technical subjects and terminology. The tests are carefully evaluated. All candidates will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement to ensure client confidentiality. Once a job is assigned, XXX will help translators by providing them any available information that might be helpful in the translation process.
XXX highly values its contractors. The quality of your work is key to our and the client's success. If you are interested in joining our team or if you would just like to have some more information, please contact and send your resume as an attachment.
Penerjemahan - Jawa XXX mung ngontrak layanan para profesional sing mitayani lan pengalaman sing nduweni riwayat karier minangka praktisi sing bisa dipercaya lan mituhoni etika.
XXX wis nyedhiyakake layanan panjarwa lan pelokalan sing unggul kualitase luwih saka 13 taun. Bebarengan karo kemajuane teknologi, kabutuhan klien kita uga melu maju. XXX tansah nggolek panjarwa, copy-editor, lan proofreader sing siyap nambut tantangan mau.
Wong-wong sing kita goleki:
• duwe akreditasi sing relevan,
• penutur asli basa sasaran,
• duwe kawruh akeh babagan basa sumber,
• mumpuni ing paramasastra lan duwe kemampuan nulis sing becik banget,
• bisa nggunakake komputer,
• duwe komputer PC utawa Macintosh, lan
• duwe akses faksimili lan surel.
Para calon sing kalebu ing persyaratan iki bakal diwenehi tes sing sesambungan karo kawruh babagan materi teknis lan peristilahan. Tes iki banjur dievaluasi kanthi temenanan. Kabeh calon disuwun tapak asma ing kesepakatan kerahasiaan kanggo mesthekake kerahasiaan klien. Sawise pagaweyan diwenehake, XXX bakal mbiyantu panjarwa kanthi menehi katrangan sing kasedhiya sing bakal mbiyantu ing proses panjarwan.
XXX aweh panghargyan dhuwur menyang kontraktore. Kualitas pagaweyan panjenengan minangka kunci kasil kita lan kasil klien. Yen panjenengan ketarik nggabung karo tim kita utawa yen panjenengan mung kepingin mangerteni katrangan tambahan, mangga sesambungan karo YYY lan lampirkake CV panjenengan.
Pendidikan penerjemahan
Bachelor's degree - University of Gajah Mada
Dalam penerjemahan (tahun): 24. Terdaftar di Mar 2008. Jadi anggota: Jul 2008.
Inggris ke Indonesia (University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, verified) Inggris ke Indonesia (University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, verified) Inggris ke Indonesia (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators)) Inggris ke Indonesia (Indonesian Publishers) Inggris ke Jawa (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators))
Association of Indonesian Translators
Perangkat lunak
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Memsource, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for visiting my profile.
Experience as a translator
I started my profession as a freelance translator in 2000 (over 20 years now) by translating novels for prominent publishers in Jakarta, Indonesia. Up to now I have translated almost 100 novels from English into Indonesian. You can see the list of my work below. Words translated for book translation are more than 10,000,000 words
Apart from novel translation for publishers, I offer my service to agencies, companies, individuals, and NGOs from Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, China, India, Italy, Belgium, Rusia, Egypt, Poland, USA, such as Avant Assessment, Boffin, cApStAn, Glyph, Keywords, Locnapps, Simpleway, Starwood Hotels, Vanbreda, and many others.
For them, I have translated various documents, such as manuals, games, software localization, website localization, travel, psychology, automotive, etc. All files are under NDA, so I cannot give you the samples. Since 2000, word counts translated for them are around 2,000,000 words. For your information, I have a team of translators, so I have no problem handling bigger projects.
Language pairs
* English - Indonesian (certification from HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia/Association of Indonesian Translators).
* English - Javanese. I help ProZ localize its website into Javanese.
I SPECIALIZE IN website localization, software localization, manuals, general, public relations, IT, games, psychology, management, communication, tourism, education, cultural studies, hospitality, cinema, automotive.
However I open for other subjects. Please let me know if your subject is other than what I have mentioned.
Actually I am flexible about rate. I will give you reasonable and best rates, subject to negotiation for non profit institution.
Daily Output
2,500 - 3,000 words depends on the difficulty
CAT Tools
- Trados 2007
- SDL Trados Studio 2011, 2017, 2021 - MemoQ
- World Idiom
- Wordfast Pro
I prefer paypal for payment less than USD500, and wire transfer for more than that, max 30 days after the project submission, but this is subject to negotiation.
1. HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia = Association of Indonesian Translators) No 01-08-178. Link: Istiani Prajoko
2. LinkedIn.. Link: Istiani Prajoko.
1. Various courses in translation (legal subjects, CAT tools, etc).
2. Passed translation examination, and got a certification from HPI (Association of Indonesian Translators)
Formal Education
English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, graduated in 1984.
Published Books (Translation) GRAMEDIA PUSTAKA UTAMA (2000-2007): mostly romance
1. Man of Ice - Diana Palmer
2. Sweet Anger - Sandra Brown
3. Love Beyond Reason - Sandra Brown
4. Slow Heat in Heaven - Sandra Brown
5. Starlight - Debby MacComber
6. Marriage of Inconvenience - Debby MacComber
7. Borrowed Dreams - Debby MacComber
8. A Spanish Lover - Joanna Trollope
9. What If I'm Pregnant - Carla Cassidy
10. No Ordinary Man - Suzzane Brockmann
11. Under the Knife - Tess Gerritsen
12. The Pregnancy Proposal - Helen Bianchin
13. The Fiance Fix - Carole Mortimer
14. The Marquis and the Mother to Be - Valerie Parv
15. The Princess & the Masked Man - Valerie Parv
16. The Prince & the Marriage Pact - Valerie Parv
17. At the Spaniard Pleasure - Jacqueline Baird
18. The Billionaire & the Baby - Rebecca Winters
19. The Baby Discovery - Rebecca Winters
20. His Very Own Baby - Rebecca Winters
21. Lucifer and the Angel - Barbara Cartland
22. Changes - Danielle Steel
23. Family Album - Danielle Steel
24. Sunset in St Tropez - Danielle Steel
25. Mind Over Matter - Nora Roberts
26. Storm Warning - Nora Roberts
27. Affaire Royale - Nora Roberts
28. The Playboy Prince - Nora Roberts
29. Command Performance - Nora Roberts
30. The Right Twin for Him - Julianna Moris
31. Runaway Wife - Margaret Way
32. Outback Bridegroom - Margaret Way
33. Outback Surrender - Margaret Way
SERAMBI ILMU (since 2008)
1. Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman
2. The Prestige - Christopher Priest
3. The History of My Life - Giacomo Cassanova
4. Dewey - Vicki Myron
5. Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
6. Desert of Love - Francois Mauriac
7. Desiree - Annemarie Selinko
8. A Dickens of a Cat - Callie Smith Grant
9. Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet B. Stowe
10. The Last Secret - Joe Moore
11. Dewey's Nine Lives - Vicki Myron
12. All the President's Men - Carl Berenstein, Bob Woodward
13. All the Flowers in Shanghai - Duncan Jepson
14. In the Time of the Butterflies - Julia Alvarez
15. A Street Cat Named Bob - James Bowen
16. Beyond the Blossoming Field - Jun'Ichi Watanabe
17. Okei - Mitsugu Saotome
DASTAN BOOKS (since 2008)
1. For The Roses - Julie Garwood
2. Every Move She Makes - Beverly Barton
3. The Secret Friend - Chris Mooney
4. A Duke to Die For - Amelia Grey
5. Gentle Rogue - Johanna Lindsey
6. Once a Princes - Johanna Lindsey
7. Splendid - Julia Quinn
8. Minx - Julia Quinn
9. I Thee Wed - Amanda Quick
10. The Sword of Shannara - Terri Brooks
11. Elfstones of Shannara - Terri Brooks
12. Wishsong of Shannara - Terri Brooks
13. My Single Friend - Jane Costello
14. Girl on the Run - Jane Costello
15. Slow Burn - Julie Garwood
16. All the Single Ladies - Jane Costello
17. No One Left to Tell - Karen Rose
IIMANIA (2008 - 2010)
1. Doomsday Key - James Rollins
2. The Everything Bed Times Stories - Marc Binder
3. Listen to the Wind - Greg Mortenson
4. The Ark - Boyd Morrison
UFUK PUBLISHING (since 2010)
1. The Moon Looked Down - Dorothy Garlock
2. Violet Wings - Victoria Hanley
3. Samurai's Tale - Eric Christian Haugaard
4. Song of My Families - Kelly Fern
QANITA (2009)
1. I Shall Not Hate - Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish
2. Emma - Jane Austin
3. Barefoot in Bagdad - Manal M. Omar
1. The Crime Tricks - Sherlock Holmes short stories
2. Family Scandal - Sherlock Holmes short stories
3. The Curious Cases of Sherlock Holmes
4. Auguste Lupin - Edgar Allan Poe
5. Sherlock Holmes and Captain Kidd - John Kendrick Bangs
6. Partner in Crimes - Secret Adversary - Agatha Christie
1. Life Time - William Wiguna
2. Bye Bye Office - anthology, together with other 14 female writers
3. French-Javanese Guidebook- Henry Goursau
For sample of translated books, please visit:
============================================= JAVANESEKATRANGAN UMUM
Panjenengan mbetahaken penerjemah Inggris-Indonesia utawi Inggris-Jawi Alus? Sampun tidha-tidha, langsung kemawon kirim email dumateng alamat kula.
Kula lulus taun 1984 saking Fakultas Sastra & Kebudayaan Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sasampunipun lulus, kula enggal-enggal makarya wonten satunggaling kantor hukum ing Jakarta dados penerjemah bebas. Kalih taun salajengipun, nalika dados sekretaris wonten kontraktor Jepang, kula pikantuk pengalaman ing babagan pembangunan proyek.
Wetawis 23 taun, wiwit 1986 ngantos 2008, kula makarya wonten perusahaan multinasional ingkang kasebat PT Indo Kordsa (Branta Mulia), kagunganipun perusahaan Turki Kordsa Global, perusahaan ingkang adamel bahan penguat ban tingkat global. Nalika semanten kula dipun tugasi makarya ing Public Relations, Keuangan, SDM & IT. Posisi pungkasan: anggota tim Manajemen Pabrik. Tugas kula antawisipun nerjemahaken saking basa Inggris dumateng basa Indonesia lan sewalikipun, umpaminipun nyiapaken lapuran taunan, kode etik, perjanjian kerja bersama, perjanjian-perjanjian, aturan pamarintah lan taksih kathah sanesipun.
Kula sampun nate nggarap proyekipun agensi ingkang mirunggan saking Amerika Serikat, negari-negari Eropa, lan Asia.
Taun 2009 kula nyuwun pensiun dini saking kantor, amargi sampun madhep mantep dados penerjemah. Ing sak mangke kula saged atur bantuan terjemahan kagem panjenengan 7 dinten seminggu, mboten mawi libur.
Seni, pemasaran, sumber daya manusia, IT, psikologi, game, pelokalan web, ekonomi, keuangan lan akuntansi, hubungan masyarakat, sertifikat, manajemen, komunikasi, turisme, bangunan, pendidikan, kabudayan, hospitaliti, olah kanuragan, sinema, brosur, umum.
Ewasemanten kulo ugi saged nggarap babagan sanes. Mangga kemawon menawi panjenengan kagungan bahan ingkang dereng kula sebataken ing inggil.
Kula mboten kaken ing babagan tarip. Tarip ekonomis, saged dipun rembag menawi panjenengan institusi nir laba.
Kula langkung remen transfer bank, max 30 dinten sasampunipun terjemahan dipun kirim, nanging saged dipun rembag. Paypal ugi saged.
HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia = Association of Indonesian Translators). No 01-08-178.
Bahtera (mailing list penerjemah Indonesia)
Matur nuwun, kula tengga order saking panjenengan.
Kata kunci: Bahasa Indonesia translation service, English to Indonesian translation service, English to Javanese translation service, English to Indonesian translators and interpreter, English into Javanese translation service, Indonesian, English-Bahasa Javanese, English-Bahasa Indonesia, Timely service, reasonable rates. See more.Bahasa Indonesia translation service, English to Indonesian translation service, English to Javanese translation service, English to Indonesian translators and interpreter, English into Javanese translation service, Indonesian, English-Bahasa Javanese, English-Bahasa Indonesia, Timely service, reasonable rates, accurate, freelance translator, independent translator, professional translator, language, art & literature, games translator, Indonesian translator, English to Javanese translator, English to Indonesian translator, professional Javanese translator, online translator, English-Indonesian translator, certified translator, certified English-Indonesian translator, certified Indonesian translator, English-Javanese translator, HRD translator, Horeka translator, travel and tourism translator, automotive translator, Indonesian translator, Javanese translator, Javanese translation service, English to Indonesian, English to Javanese, penerjemah bersertifikat, Bahasa Indonesia, Basa Jawa, general, marketing, public relations, certificate, finance & accounting, others, human resources, humanity, human relations, hospitality, localization, letters, psychology, tourism, travel, website localization, freelancer, freelance translator, personal, penerjemah, penterjemah, Inggris-Indonesia, Inggris-Jawa, bahasa, seni dan sastra, penerjemah olah raga, sertifikat, umum, pemasaran, hubungan masyarakat, kemanusiaan, keuangan & akuntansi, psikologi, turisme, surat menyurat, administrasi, bausastra Jawi, basa Jawa, member of Association of Indonesian Translators, book translator, novel translator, Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia, anggota HPI, sihapei, penerjemah terpercaya, penterjemah terpercaya, penerjemah Anda, penterjemah Anda, penerjemah andal, penterjemah andal, penterjemah game, penerjemah profesional, penterjemah profesional, penerjemah Indonesia, penterjemah Indonesia, penerjemah lepas, penterjemah lepas, jarwan, panjarwa, penerjemah novel,, full time translator, penerjemah full time, penerjemah game, game translator, Javanese language, basa Jawa, website translator, localization translator, website translation, Acting and Directing, Advertising, Animal Sciences, Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Automotive, Biology, Broadcast Journalism, Business Administration and Management, Business General, Business Marketing, Child Care, Computer and Information Sciences, Computer Engineering, Computer Games and Gambling, Electronic Games, Games of Chance, Culinary Arts, Data Communications, Design and Applied Arts, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship, Ethnic and Cultural Studies, Film and Cinema Studies, Food Sciences, General, Geography, Health, History, Hospitality, Humanities and Humanistic Studies, Information Sciences and Systems, Internet, Journalism and Mass Communication, Linguistics, Literature, Manufacturing (Metal Working and Products, Instruments, Furniture, Printing, Clothing, etc.), Public Health Education and Promotion, Medicine, Social Psychology, Music, Music History and Literature, Radio and Television Broadcasting, Science (General), Sociology, Software Engineering, Sport and Fitness, Taxation, Telecommunications, Textile Sciences and Engineering, Theatre, Tourism and Travel, Transportation, Visual and Performing Arts, Women Studies, certified translator, professional translator, freelance certified translator, freelance professional translator, freelance professional certified translator, automotive maintenance products, brochures, cellular phone, children participation, children protection, children rights, children, children's rights, communication, company profile, computer games, computer hardware, computer hardware, computer networking, computer software, computer, consumer survey, curriculum, education, forestry, game, gender bias, gender equality, gender issues, general medicine, good corporate governance, human rights issues, human rights, insurance booklet, insurance, ISO standards, IT, labor issues, labor, labor’s law, labor-related human right issues, labors, labour issues, labour, labours, life insurance, manual, popular management, popular psychology, religion, religious issue, survey, telecommunication, tourism, transportation, workers, web localization. See less.