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Indonesia ke Inggris: Heart to Serve General field: Lainnya Detailed field: Pendidikan / Pedagogi
Teks sumber - Indonesia “Heart To Serve”
“Ngelakoni kegiatan sosial itu enggak ada puasnya.. Ibaratnya, semakin lama kita memberi, semakin banyak pula kita menerima.. “ ( T. Suryadi, Kepala Sekolah SD Kristen Patimuan).
Sekolah yang diberi nama SD. Kristen Patimuan ini berdiri sejak tahun 1957. Ide pendirian sekolah ini datang dari pihak gereja yang ingin agar masyarakat Kristen di Cilacap pada masa itu menjadi lebih terdidik. Keinginan ini terwujud di tangan Djawi Kerana, seorang perantau yang sempat mengenyam pendidikan tinggi di Belanda. Sejak saat itu, sekolah ini aktif memberikan pendidikan berbasis Kristen untuk anak-anak usia sekolah dasar.
Selama beberapa waktu, sekolah ini mampu bertahan dengan bantuan donatur yang didapat dari pihak gereja. Jumlah murid pun sempat mencapai angka 200 siswa. Sebuah angka yang cukup spektakuler bagi sebuah sekolah swasta di kota kecil. Yang menarik, meskipun pendidikan di sekolah ini berlandaskan agama Kristiani, tetapi 80% siswa adalah non kristiani. “ Harapan kami, anak-anak ini nantinya memiliki toleransi besar terhadap kehidupan beragama. Penting untuk membuat mereka menjadi Kristen yang taat, tapi bukan fanatik sehingga memusuhi agama lain.. “, ujar Timotius Suwarno, guru yang mengampu pelajaran olahraga dan agama.
Lalu masa itu datang, dimana sekolah-sekolah negri baru didirikan. Murid pun surut, berikut terhentinya sumbangan dari para donatur. Tidak berhenti sampai disitu, para orang tua pun mulai menarik anak-anak mereka, karena sekolah ini masih menarik bayaran. Banyak yang memilih sekolah negri yang memang digratiskan oleh pemerintah. Guru-guru yang telah berhasil pada ujian CPNS pun beranjak pergi. “ Ini dilematis, di satu sisi kita seneng kalo ada guru disini yang berhasil jadi pegawai negri. Di sisi lain, kasihan anak-anak, tidak ada yang mengajar.. “ kata Pak Suryadi.
Akhirnya sekolah ini mengurangi jumlah iuran yang harus dibayarkan masing-masing siswa. Bantuan dana yang diberikan pemerintah dialihkan untuk menutupi kekurangan biaya operasinal sekolah. Imbasnya, gaji guru-guru dipotong drastis. Inilah yang menyebabkan kepindahan banyak guru ke sekolah negri. “ Para guru disini banyak yang tidak memiliki SIM (Surat Izin Mengajar). Soalnya latar belakang kami bukan dari sekolah guru. Untuk mendapatkan SIM, kami harus sekolah lagi.. “ cerita Kristiawati, guru kelas V.
Penerjemahan - Inggris “Heart To Serve”
“Conducting social activity will never be enough. It feels like, the more we give the more we receive” (T. Suryadi, The Principle of Christian Patimuan Elementray School).
The school called SD Kristen Patimuan was established in 1957. The idea to build the school came from the church which wanted the Christian people in Cilacap at that time to be more educated. This wish came true in the hand of Djawi Kerana, a traveler who once had his high education in Holland. Since then the school has been actively given Christian based education to elementary school students.
For some times, this school could hold on with the donation aid from church. The number of students had reached 200 students. A spectacular number for a private school in a small town. The interesting thing is, despite it has Christian as the basic of education, 80% of the students are non-Christian. “We hope these children will have big tolerance on religious life in the future. It is important to make them good Christian, not the fanatic ones who fight against other religion,” said Timotius Suwarno, religion and and also sport teacher.
Then the time had come, when so many new public school established. The number of students became lower and the donation from generous people also the same. Not only that, parents also withdrawn their children because the school still charged them with a sum of money for school fee. Many of them chose public schools which are free from school fee. Teachers who passed the civil servant teacher candidate (CPNS) test also went away. “We are in a dilemma. On one hand, we are happy that our teachers became PNS. On the other hand, we feel sorry for students here, no one teaches them,” Suryadi said.
Finally, the school had to reduce the school fee for each student. Aid fund from government was diverted to cover the school operational. As a consequence, teacher's salary was cut off sharply. This made a lot of teachers to move to public schools. “Many of our teachers do not have SIM (a kind of license of teach) since their educational background was not from the teaching school. To get the license, we have to go to school again,” Kristiawati, a teacher of the fifth grade explained.
Inggris ke Indonesia: To Retire with Skill and Knowledge General field: Bisnis/Keuangan Detailed field: Manajemen
Teks sumber - Inggris To Retire with Skill and Knowledge
As one approach to develop human resources capacity, HR Department of PT Bayer Indonesia organized a Pre-pension Program designed for employees who would reach the retirement age in two years ahead. This annually-held program, now on its sixth year in Indonesia, consists of two phases. The first phase was conducted on June 30, at Cimanggis Plant, while the second phase was arranged on July 28 – 31, in Bandung, West Java. As many as 30 employees from all subgroups and departments joined this program.
Pre-pension program is designed to support and assist the soon-to-retire employees’ future plans in favor of a smoother transition to retirement. The program consists of various topics like mental and physical preparation, prospective career choices, knowledge on certain business insights and leisure time/hobbies organizing.
The first phase, the preliminary chapter of the program, mainly discussed about employees’ pension benefits and social security administration and calculation. This year, several entrepreneurs of culinary, house rent, and landscaping businesses shared their skill, knowledge, and experiences to all participants. The second phase offered another approach which facilitated the participants with hands-on experiences to the world of business. During this phase, all participants were invited to visit some successful small scale industries, such as … (to be completed). A pension consultant was also invited to deliver information and prepare the participants in welcoming their retiring stage.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Pensiun dengan Ketrampilan dan Pengetahuan
Sebagai salah satu pendekatan untuk membangun kemampuan sumber daya manusia, HRD PT Bayer Indonesia menyelenggarakan Prgram Pre-Pensiun yang ditujukan bagi para karyawan yang akan mencapai usia pendiun dalam dua tahun ke depan. Program yang digelar tahunan ini kini masuk ke tahun ke enam di Indonesia dan terdiri dari dua tahap. Ahap pertama diadakan pada 30 Juni di Pabrik Cimanggis sementara tahap kedua diadakan pada 28-31 Juli di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Sebanyak 30 karyawan muali dari subgroup sampai departemen bergabung dalam program ini.
Program Pre-pensiun ini dirancang untuk mendukung dan membantu karyawan yang tidak lama lagi akan pension agar dapat menjalani masa transisi pensiun dengan lebih mulus lagi. Program ini terdiri dari berbagai macam topic seperti: persiapan fisik dan mental, pilihan karir yang prospektif, pemgetahuan tentang wawasan bisnis tertentu dan mengatur hobi/waktu senggang.
Tahapan pertama, bab pendahuluan program, utamanya membahas tentang manfaat pension karyawan dan perhitungan serta pengaturan jaminan sosial. Tahun ini, beberapa pengusaha kulinari, penyewaan rumah, dan pebisnis lansekap berbagi ketrampilan, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman mereka kepada para peserta. Tahapan kedua menawarkan pendekatan lain yang memfasilitasi peserta dengan pengalaman langsung ke dalam dunia bisnis. Selama tahapan ini, semua peserta diundang untuk mengunjungi beberapa industri skala kecil yang sukses seperti …..(akan dilengkapi) Konsultan masalah pension juga diundang untuk memberikan informasi dan menyiapkan peserta dalam menyambut tahapan pension mereka.
Pendidikan penerjemahan
Graduate diploma - State University of Jakarta (UNJ)
Dalam penerjemahan (tahun): 8. Terdaftar di Apr 2010. Jadi anggota: Apr 2010.
My name is Isnarti Siti Rochmah. I am an English to Indonesia translator and vice versa. I have been a translator since about 2002. I provide fast, meticulous, and high-quality translation. At first, I got into this translation business just as a side job while I was teaching English in several schools. However, now I found that translating and the work related to translating has become the job that I like the most.
So far, I have been translating various kinds of documents and have done some interpreting in an informal events like news interview by some foreign journalist or make a verbal summary on hundreds of pages of documents for some foreigners working in Indonesia.
For me, translating means preserving the intended meaning the author wants the reader to understand.
CAT (Computer-Aided Translation) Tools used:
- Wordfast Classic
-Wordfast Pro
-Trados 2007
-Trados Studio 2009
-Trados Studio 2011
-Trados Studio 2014
-Memoq 6.5
-Memoq 2013 R2
-Memoq 2014
-Idiom Worldserver
I am basically connected to the Internet 24/7 due to the broadband connection I am currently using. However, please observe the time different between your place and Indonesia (GMT+7). My working day starts at 8 in the morning until 8 at night. However, if you are compelled to contact me outside this working hour, I will do my best to answer your message ASAP.
How to contact me:
I can be easily contacted through the internal message system that ProZ provides; or alternatively, I can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]. If you try to call me from outside Indonesia, you can reach me at +628561312949 or send me a text message to the same number. Otherwise, you can drop a message on Gtalk at isnartirohma.trans and [email protected] or Skype at isnarti.translator.
• Ipsos Indonesia
• Deka Research Indonesia
• Dompet Dhuafa
• Elionetwork
• Expertranslator_UK
• Avant Assassment
• German Business Consultant (Asia)
• GLobal Lingo UK and Sing
• Jobless Millionnaires
• Many other personal clients which are too numerous to mention.
I have handled countless translation projects in various fields. I have been involved in some countless Non-Disclosure Agreements which prevent me from giving detailed explanations in this profile. However, should you feel the need to know a particular translation field which I have done, I can always provide you with general information. Just drop me a message.
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