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Inggris ke Indonesia: How It Feels to be a Sign Language Interpreter General field: Ilmu Sosial Detailed field: Jurnalisme
Teks sumber - Inggris Holly Maniatty, 33, specializes in signing at rock and hip-hop concerts.
“Your hands can represent so many things when you’re an interpreter. Interpreting at a concert, I use my hands differently than when I’m signing for a class full of college students. And hip-hop requires about 50 percent more signs than slower speech or music; I might use 200 signs to interpret a John Mayer ballad, but six times that many for an Eminem rap. In hip-hop signing, you also have to gesticulate with extra force to emphasize a word, just like the rappers do. After signing for the Wu-Tang Clan for 90 minutes, I was so exhausted, I felt like I’d run marathon. So just like an athlete, an interpreter has to warm up. For me that means stretching my hand ligaments to avoid damaging a muscle. But the connection between mind and hand, between the intellectual and physical, is seamless. I never think, I have to bend my hand to make it look like this—just like you never have to concentrate on forming the words when you speak.
—O Magazine, May 2014
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Holly Maniatty, 33 tahun, berspesialisasi pada penjurubahasaan di konser musik rock dan hip-hop.
“Kedua tangan Anda dapat menggambarkan begitu banyak hal jika Anda seorang juru bahasa isyarat. Ketika menerjemahkan di sebuah konser, saya menggunakan tangan saya dengan cara berbeda dibandingkan ketika saya menerjemahkan di depan kelas untuk mahasiswa. Musik hip-hop membutuhkan isyarat sekitar 50 persen lebih banyak dibandingkan tuturan atau musik yang lebih pelan. Saya bisa saja melakukan 200 isyarat untuk menerjemahkan lagu balada John Mayer, tapi saya melakukan enam kali lebih banyak daripada itu untuk lagu rap Eminem. Dalam menerjemahkan lagu hip-hop ke dalam bahasa isyarat, Anda juga harus menggerakkan tangan dengan lebih kuat untuk menekankan suatu kata, persis seperti yang dilakukan para penyanyi rap. Setelah menerjemahkan untuk Wu-Tang Clan selama 90 menit, saya begitu kelelahan seolah-olah baru lari maraton. Maka sama seperti halnya atlet, juru bahasa isyarat harus melakukan pemanasan. Bagi saya itu berarti meregangkan sendi-sendi tangan saya untuk menghindari kerusakan otot. Namun, hubungan antara pikiran dan tangan, antara yang intelektual dengan yang fisik, berjalan tanpa hambatan. Saya tak pernah berpikir, saya harus membengkokkan tangan saya agar terlihat seperti ini—sama halnya dengan Anda yang tidak perlu berkonsentrasi untuk membentuk kata-kata ketika Anda bicara.
—O Magazine, Mei 2014
Indonesia ke Inggris: Excerpt from financial news article General field: Bisnis/Keuangan Detailed field: Keuangan (umum)
Teks sumber - Indonesia Survei: Orang Indonesia lebih memilih tabungan dan rumah
Berdasarkan temuan dalam Manulife Investor's Sentiment Index (MISI) yang baru saja dipublikasikan, masyarakat Indonesia masih tidak mau berinvestasi pada berbagai instrumen investasi yang tersedia di pasar keuangan. Mereka mengabaikan produk-produk pasar modal yang sebenarnya memberikan imbal hasil lebih baik, seperti saham, pendapatan tetap, dan reksa dana.
Sampai saat ini, masyarakat Indonesia masih memilih instrumen investasi tradisional seperti tabungan dan kepemilikan rumah.
“Sentimen investor ritel terhadap saham dan pendapatan tetap menunjukkan peningkatan, yang kami lihat sebagai dampak dari sentimen positif atas pemilu presiden yang baru saja berlangsung,” kata Director of Business Development PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia Putut Endro Andanawarih dalam keterangan resmi, Jumat (26/9).
Lebih lanjut, Putut mengungkapkan, pihaknya memperkirakan investor akan memperhatikan pemerintahan yang baru dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk melihat bagaimana pemerintahan baru ini merespons isu-isu seputar pengurangan subsidi energi dan meningkatkan belanja infrastruktur.
—, 26 September 2014
Penerjemahan - Inggris Survey: Indonesians prefer savings and property
Based on the findings of the recently published Manulife Investor's Sentiment Index (MISI), Indonesians are still reluctant to invest in various investment instruments available in the financial market. They tend to ignore capital market products which in fact give better returns, such as stocks, fixed income funds, and mutual funds.
Most Indonesians today still prefer traditional investment instruments such as savings and property.
“There is increasing interest from retail investors in stocks and fixed income funds, which we perceive as an effect of positive sentiments following the recently concluded presidential election,” Director of Business Development at PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia, Putut Endro Andanawarih, said in an official statement on Friday (26/9).
Putut further said that he predicted investors will closely monitor the upcoming government to see how it responds to the issues of energy subsidy reduction and infrastructure expenditure increase.
—, 26 September 2014
Inggris ke Indonesia: Excerpt from Night Film by Marisha Pessl (Random House, 2013) General field: Seni/Sastra Detailed field: Puisi & Literatur
Teks sumber - Inggris Everyone has a Cordova story, whether they like it or not.
Maybe your next-door neighbor found one of his movies in an old box in her attic and never entered a dark room alone again. Or your boyfriend bragged he’d discovered a contraband copy of At Night All Birds Are Black on the Internet and after watching refused to speak of it, as if it were a horrific ordeal he’d barely survived.
Whatever your opinion of Cordova, however obsessed with his work or indifferent—he’s there to react against. He’s a crevice, a black hole, an unspecified danger, a relentless outbreak of the unknown in our over-exposed world. He’s underground, looming unseen in the corners of the dark. He’s down under the railway bridge in the river with all the missing evidence, and the answers that will never see the light of day.
He’s a myth, a monster, a mortal man.
And yet I can’t help but believe when you need him the most, Cordova has a way of heading straight toward you, like a mysterious guest you notice across the room at a crowded party. In the blink of an eye, he’s right beside you by the fruit punch, staring back at you when you turn and casually ask the time.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Semua orang punya kisah sendiri tentang Cordova, entah mereka suka atau tidak.
Mungkin tetangga sebelah rumahmu pernah menemukan salah satu filmnya di dalam sebuah kotak tua di lotengnya dan tak pernah memasuki ruangan gelap sendirian lagi setelah itu. Atau pacarmu menyombong bahwa ia menemukan bajakan film At Night All Birds Are Black di internet dan menolak membicarakannya sesudah ia menontonnya, seolah itu pengalaman mengerikan yang nyaris tak sanggup dilaluinya hidup-hidup.
Apa pun pendapatmu tentang Cordova, entah seberapa terobsesi atau tidak pedulinya dirimu dengan karyanya—ia ada agar orang dapat bereaksi terhadapnya. Ia adalah celah, lubang hitam, bahaya yang tidak jelas, kemunculan terus-menerus dari hal yang tak dikenal di dunia kita yang sudah terlalu terekspos. Ia ada di bawah tanah, bersemayam tanpa terlihat di sudut-sudut kegelapan. Ia ada di dalam sungai di bawah jembatan kereta api bersama semua bukti yang hilang dan jawaban-jawaban yang takkan pernah muncul ke permukaan.
Ia sebuah mitos, suatu monster, seorang manusia biasa.
Namun, mau tak mau aku percaya bahwa saat kau paling membutuhkannya, Cordova punya cara untuk langsung menuju ke arahmu, seperti seorang tamu misterius yang kau lihat di seberang ruangan pada sebuah pesta yang ramai. Dalam sekejap mata ia sudah berada tepat di sampingmu di dekat tempat minuman buah, balas menatapmu ketika kau berbalik dan dengan santai menanyakan jam berapa sekarang.
Pendidikan penerjemahan
Bachelor's degree - University of Indonesia
Dalam penerjemahan (tahun): 18. Terdaftar di May 2014.
Inggris ke Indonesia (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators)) Indonesia ke Inggris (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators))
Translation is my passion. With my exceptional English proficiency and translation skills, I have had extensive experience in the translation industry since 2006. Certified by the Association of Indonesian Translators (HPI) for both English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English, I strive to always deliver high quality work with a particular attention to detail.
Translating Experience
Freelance Translator (2013 – present)
• Translating and editing various documents and books from English to Indonesian and vice versa. Previous projects include:
- Official health and safety manuals for workers’ training issued by a state agency in Asia
- Presentation on economic policy recommendations to the Indonesian government by an international development institution
- Cooperation agreement between a life insurance subsidiary of Indonesia’s largest bank and a global biopharmaceutical company on the procurement and supply of medicine
- White paper on information and communications technology by a leading global management consulting firm
- Report on poverty in Indonesia by an international development institution
- Translation of novels from English to Indonesian for publishers Elex Media Komputindo and Dastan Books
- Proofreading materials for English elementary school textbooks published by Penerbit ESIS (Erlangga)
External Linguist, Vistatec (June 2016 – present)
• Performing linguistic reviews, translations and linguistic QAs for Vistatec’s client, one of the largest international technology companies operating at the cutting edge of internet-based IT services
Onsite External Linguist, Vistatec (January – June 2016)
• Performing linguistic reviews, translations and linguistic QAs at the Jakarta office of Vistatec’s client. Liaising with marketing and public relations to improve the language quality for the locale and ensure the company's voice is accurately rendered for the market
Language Assistant, McKinsey & Company (2014 – 2015)
• Translating and interpreting in-house from English to Indonesian and vice versa
Freelance Editor, Concord Consulting (2013 – present)
• Editing monthly reports on criminal activity and security related issues, monthly reports on health trends, and quarterly reports on transportation issues in Indonesia
Editor, Concord Consulting (2006 – 2013)
• Translating, editing, writing and compiling security-related articles, reports and analysis pieces from Indonesian sources for Concord Review, an English information service website
• After entering Concord Consulting as a News Writer in 2006, I worked my way up in the risk consulting company's ranks to become a Senior News Writer by 2008, the Concord Review Head by 2010, the Information Management Division Manager by 2011, and an Editor by 2013
- Certified by the Association of Indonesian Translators (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia) - HPI for English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English
- TOEFL score 667 (test taken in 2012)
Bachelor Degree in English from the University of Indonesia, 2006, GPA 3.6 (Cum Laude)
Courses & Trainings
- 40-hour Training in Translating General Texts from English to Indonesian, Lembaga Bahasa Internasional FIB UI, average score A (2014)
- 1st International Translation and Interpretation Symposium, University of Indonesia (November 2014)
- Training in Editing Translated Books, Association of Indonesian Translators (HPI) and Gramedia Pustaka Utama (April 2015)
- Workshop in Translating Indonesian Literature to English, University of Indonesia (September 2015)
- Nonprofit translation of several stories from Indonesian to English for In The Empty Places, a book of short stories and artwork published in 2014 to help victims of child prostitution in Indonesia
- “Tolerant Islam: Indonesian Muslims belie Western stereotyping,” The Edge Review, no. 8 (10 – 16 May 2013), co-written with Keith Loveard
- “My Jakarta: Harun Harahap,” Jakarta Globe, 26 November 2011
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Kata kunci: indonesian, translation, editing, proofreading, localization, information technology, management, finance, business, health care. See more.indonesian, translation, editing, proofreading, localization, information technology, management, finance, business, health care, journalism, government, politics, fiction, marketing, literature, certified, bahasa indonesia. See less.