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Terjemahan Contoh Disertakan: 2
Indonesia ke Inggris: Commentary on Indonesian legislation introduced on 01 July 2016. General field: Hukum/Paten Detailed field: Hukum (umum)
Teks sumber - Indonesia 1. Apa tujuan penyusunan Undang-Undang tentang Pengampunan Pajak?
Tujuan penyusunan Undang-Undang Pengampunan Pajak sebagai berikut:
1. Mempercepat pertumbuhan dan restrukturisasi ekonomi melalui pengalihan harta, yang antara lain akan berdampak terhadap
peningkatan likuiditas domestik, perbaikan nilai tukar Rupiah, penurunan suku bunga, dan peningkatan investasi;
2. Mendorong reformasi perpajakan menuju sistem perpajakan yang lebih berkeadilan serta perluasan basis data perpajakan yang
lebih valid, komprehensif, dan terintegrasi; dan
3. Meningkatkan penerimaan pajak, yang digunakan untuk pembiayaan pembangunan.
Penerjemahan - Inggris 1. What is the purpose for composing Legislation on Tax Clemency?
The purposes for composing the Tax Clemency Law are as follows:
1. To accelerate the growth and restructuring of the economy through transfer of wealth, which among other things will effect increase in domestic liquidity, improvement of the Rupiah’s exchange rate, decrease of interest rates, and increase of investment;
2. To encourage taxation reformation, with the objectives of achieving a taxation system that is fairer, and broadening of the taxation database to be more valid, comprehensive and integrated; and
3. To increase tax revenues, to be used for funding of development.
Jerman ke Inggris: Investigation of complications after endovascular intervention. General field: Kedokteran Detailed field: Kedokteran (umum)
Teks sumber - Jerman Zielsetzung: Patienten mit Flow-Divertern zur Behandlung von extraduralen ACI-Aneurysmen klagen häufig über anhaltende Doppelbilder, Schmerzen und Dysästhesien im Gesicht. Die Häufigkeit prolongierter Hirnnervenstörungen wurde anhand von klinischen
Verlaufsuntersuchungen erfasst.
Patienten und Methode: N = 20 Patienten mit Riesenaneurysmen der ACI wurden technisch erfolgreich mit Flow-Divertern behandelt. Es erfolgten regelmäßige klinische und MRT - Verlaufskontrollen. In einer medianen Nachbeobachtungszeit von 2,5 Jahren wurden die
Patienten zu einer klinisch neurologischen Nachuntersuchung einbestellt.
Penerjemahan - Inggris Aim: Patients with flow diverters for treatment of extradural ICA aneurysms often complain of persistent double vision, pain and dysaesthesia of the face. The frequency of prolonged cranial nerve dysfunction was determined by clinical follow-up examinations.
Patients und Methods: N = 20 patients with giant aneurysms on the ICA were treated with flow diverters, with technical success. Thereafter regular clinical and MRI follow-up examinations were performed. At a median follow-up time of 2.5 years the patients were scheduled for a clinical neurological examination.
Jerman ke Inggris (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified) Indonesia ke Inggris (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified)
Perangkat lunak
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, PDF-XChange Editor (PDF editor), Powerpoint
I am a language professional with expertise and experience perfecting English texts based on source documents written in English, German or Indonesian.
Jobs that I have completed include the following.
Translations of German and Indonesian texts:
scientific documents;
commercial documents;
legal documents; and
personal documents.
Proof-reading / editing of English texts:
academic manuscripts; and
Ph.D. theses.
I am a native speaker of English, raised in Australia and thoroughly familiar with both British/UK and US variants of English.
My studies and experience working as an engineer and research scientist provide additional in-depth knowledge that I can draw upon in fields including:
I have a wide variety of interests beyond the above areas, and would be happy to discuss your needs with you.
As a language enthusiast, I also have elementary knowledge of Italian and Korean, and am always pleased to learn more.
Kata kunci: German, Indonesian, English, chemical engineering, NAATI accredited, Australia, translation, translator, proof-reading, copy-editing. See more.German, Indonesian, English, chemical engineering, NAATI accredited, Australia, translation, translator, proof-reading, copy-editing, academic manuscripts, academic publications, technical documents, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, englisch, deutsch. See less.