Anggota sejak May '21

Bahasa yang dikerjakan:
Inggris ke Indonesia
Indonesia ke Inggris

Fenny Veronica
Translator and English lecturer

Waktu setempat: 16:20 WIB (GMT+7)

Penutur Asli: Indonesia Native in Indonesia
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Sep 28, 2021 (posted via  Just finished three articles on Economics, English to Indonesian, about "Data Skills" and "Setting Up Analytics Lab". ...more »
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Jenis akun Penerjemah lepas dan/atau juru bahasa, Identity Verified Anggota terverifikasi
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Layanan Translation
Spesialisasi dalam:
Pendidikan / PedagogiPsikologi
AgamaUmum / Konversasi / Sapaan / Surat
Pariswisata dan PerjalananSertifikat, Diploma, Lisensi, Riwayat Hidup
Ilmu Sosial, Sosiologi, Etika, dll.Hukum: Kontrak
Bisnis/Niaga (umum)Periklanan / Hubungan Masyarakat

Payment methods accepted PayPal, Transfer
Portofolio Terjemahan Contoh Disertakan: 2
Pendidikan penerjemahan English Department, Faculty of Languages and Art, Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) Malang
Pengalaman Dalam penerjemahan (tahun): 31. Terdaftar di Sep 2017. Jadi anggota: May 2021.
Kredensial Inggris ke Indonesia (S1 degree in English (Institute of Teacher Training and Education), verified)
Indonesia ke Inggris (Translation Certificate (University of Indonesia), verified)
Inggris ke Indonesia (Translation Certificate (University of Indonesia), verified)
Inggris (Singapore Volunteers Overseas Workshop (English ln Teaching), verified)
Inggris (Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language, verified)

Keanggotaan HPI
Perangkat lunak Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Kebiasaan profesional Fenny Veronica rekomendasi's Panduan Profesional.

Besides teaching, translation is another thing that I enjoy doing. In fact, it has been my passion for a long time. My first work in translation was a short story entitled I’ll Always Remember Stephen which was published in Femina magazine shortly after I graduated from high school, but my career as a freelance English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English translator started with the translation of a book published by Penerbit Kalam Hidup Bandung in 1986. Since then I have enjoyed over twenty-five years of experience working on various types of translation, including books, booklets, letters, manuals, documents and articles. Up to now I have translated about 70 books and booklets for some prominent publishers in Indonesia.

My first translation project with a foreign client was with JICA, Japan in 1996 – at that time partnering with Jasa Tirta Malang. My main task was to assist the JICA staff to understand the Indonesian government decrees and other articles by translating them from Indonesian into English. The opportunity as an interpreter came when I was offered to participate in an Education Fair in 1997, followed by the same events in the following years.

In 1997 I took the Translator Certification Examination held by the Translation Center of the Faculty of Literature, University of Indonesia. I passed with an ‘A’ and became a certified translator the same year. In 2013 I took part in an international event and became one of the Liaison Officers for the IX Asian Pacific Astronomy Olympiad that was held in a city in North Sulawesi. I am now a full member of HPI (The Association of Indonesian Translators).

Apart from my experience as a freelance translator and interpreter, I have had the pleasure of working as an English lecturer and teacher for a lot of years, including teaching English (and Math) to some students of Wesley International School privately. Years of exposure to English language teaching and years of experience in dealing with various types of translations has helped to shape my skills and abilities in translating. For the past three years, I have been working as a part-timer at the Translation Department of an international institution. If you need me for any translation project, you can contact me at [email protected] or through the internal message system provided by My biggest interest is in education, psychology, counseling, and religion, but I have also done other fields such as business, advertising, stories, documents, agreement, social studies, medical (general). Recently I have also developed an interest in internet marketing and frequently listen to videos about internet marketing. For more complete information about the translation work I have done, you can refer to my CV (My CV and credentials are available upon request).

It would be a great pleasure for me to be of service to you.
Kata kunci: Advertisement, advertising, anggota HPI, anthropology, articles, Association of Indonesian Translators, bahasa, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, bisnis. See more.Advertisement, advertising, anggota HPI, anthropology, articles, Association of Indonesian Translators, bahasa, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, bisnis, booklet, book translator, brochures, business, business and management (general), certified translator, certified Indonesian English translator, child care, children, children rights, communication, company profile, contracts, conversation, correspondence, counseling, cultural studies, culture, curriculum, developmental psychology, document, education, educational materials, e-learning, English to Indonesian, English to Indonesian translator, ethics, family, family relationship, freelance, freelance certified translator, freelance professional translator, freelance translator, gender issues, general, health, health care, history, Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia, HPI, hospitality, hotel and tourism, human relations, human resources, human rights, iklan, Indonesian to English, Indonesian to English certified translator, Indonesian to English translator, interpreter, information technology (general), kesehatan, kontrak, komunikasi, language, language service, letters, letter of recommendation, management, manuals, marketing (general), marriage, medical (general), music, online translator, online translation, pariwisata, pedagogy, penerjemah, penerjemah bersertifikat, penerjemah Indonesia Inggris, penerjemah Inggris Indonesia, penerjemah lepas, penerjemah online, penerjemah profesional, periklanan, perjanjian, penterjemah, popular psychology, presentation materials, professional translator, profile, proposal, psikologi, psikologi anak, psikologi perkembangan, psikologi remaja, psychology, public relations, qualified translator, relationship, school profile, science, sihapei, social psychology, social science, speech, surat, surat-menyurat, teenager, terjemahan, tourism, tourism and travel, training, translate, translating, translation, translation business, translation service, translator, woman, woman rights, women, women studies.. See less.

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