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Inggris ke Indonesia: CHEMISTRY TEXT SAMPLE General field: Tek/Rekayasa Detailed field: Kimia; Ilmu Kimia/Rekayasa Kimia
Teks sumber - Inggris Absorption of perchlorates into the body will cause methaemoglobinemia, which in sufficient concentration will cause cyanosis (ie. blue-greyish discolouration of the skin), as the oxidised haemoglobin is incapable of transporting oxygen around the body. Symptoms include headache, dizziness, weakness and difficulties breathing. Treat by oxygen inhalation and rest. Cleanse entire body of contamination, including scalp and nails. If severe, administration of methylene blue (1 mL per kg body weight) may be of value.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Penyerapan perklorat ke dalam tubuh akan menyebabkan methemoglobinemia, yang dengan konsentrasi cukup akan menyebabkan sianosis (yaitu perubahan warna kulit menjadi biru keabuan), karena hemoglobin yang teroksidasi tidak mampu memindahkan oksigen ke seluruh tubuh. Gejala-gejala termasuk sakit kepala, pusing, rasa lemah dan kesulitan bernafas. Obati dengan menghirup oksigen dan beristirahat. Bersihkan seluruh tubuh dari kontaminasi, termasuk kulit kepala dan kuku. Jika parah, pemberian metilena biru (1 mL per kg berat badan) dapat bermanfaat.
Inggris ke Indonesia: CONTRACT DOCUMENT SAMPLE General field: Bisnis/Keuangan Detailed field: Pertambangan & Mineral
This summarizes the principal terms and conditions of the abovementioned transactions as agreed by
the principal parties thereto, their initials hereon and signatures hereunder memorializing their agreements as to these principal terms as well as to their agreements to enter into definitive
transaction documentation based upon these terms and conditions, which definitive documentation will be the basis for the implementation of such transactions. For the avoidance of doubt,
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby is subject to definitive transaction documentation and subject to satisfaction or waiver of the various conditions to closing to be contained therein.
PT AIR (and/or one or more of its affiliates), as
purchaser (“AIR”)
PT NEI, as selling shareholder (“NEI”)
PT BEI, as issuer and subject company (“BEI”)
An affiliate of AIR, as Lender (“Lender”)
Dokumen ini mengikhtisarkan pokok syarat-syarat dan kondisi-kondisi transaksi tersebut di atas sebagaimana disetujui oleh pihak-pihak pokok dalam perjanjian tersebut, inisial dan tanda tangan mereka selanjutnya dibawah ini menguatkan perjanjian mereka terhadap syarat-syarat pokok sebagaimana perjanjian mereka untuk memasuki dokumentasi transaksi yang definitif berdasar pada syarat-syarat dan kondisi-kondisi ini, di mana dokumentasi yang definitif akan menjadi dasar untuk pelaksanaan transaksi tersebut. Untuk menghindari keraguan, penyempurnaan dari transaksi yang dimaksud di sini tunduk pada dokumentasi transaksi yang definitif dan tunduk pada pemuasan atau pengabaian berbagai kondisi untuk kesepakatan sebagaimana terkandung di dalamnya.
Para Pihak
PT AIR (dan / atau satu atau lebih dari afiliasinya), sebagai pembeli ("AIR")
PT NEI, sebagai pemegang saham penjual ("NEI")
PT BEI, sebagai penerbit dan perusahaan subjek ("BEI")
Suatu afiliasi dari AIR, sebagai Pemberi Pinjaman ("Pemberi Pinjaman")
Inggris ke Indonesia: LITERARY TEXT SAMPLE General field: Seni/Sastra Detailed field: Puisi & Literatur
Teks sumber - Inggris South of this dark chasm, and directly opposite Nifl-heim, the realm of mist, was another world called Muspells-heim, the home of elemental fire, where all was warmth and brightness, and whose frontiers were continually guarded by Surtr, the flame giant. This giant fiercely brandished his flashing sword, and continually sent forth great showers of sparks, which fell with a hissing sound upon the ice-blocks in the bottom of the abyss, and partly melted them by their heat.
"Great Surtur, with his burning sword,
Southward at Muspel's gate kept ward,
And flashes of celestial flame,
Life-giving, from the fire-world came."
Valhalla (J. C. Jones).
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Selatan dari ini adalah jurang gelap, dan tepat di seberang Nifl-Heim, alam kabut, adalah sebuah dunia lain yang disebut Muspells-Heim, rumah dari unsur api, dimana semua yang ada adalah kehangatan dan kecerahan, dan dimana batas-batasnya terus-menerus dijaga oleh Surtr, raksasa api. Raksasa ini dengan ganas menghunus pedang berkilatnya, dan terus-menerus mengirim hujan besar percikan api, yang jatuh dengan suara mendesis pada balok-balok es di dasar jurang, dan sebagian dari es tersebut mencair karena panas tersebut.
"Surtur yang Agung, dengan pedang menyalanya,
Di gerbang selatan Muspel terus berjaga,
Dan kilatan-kilatan api langit,
Pemberi hidup, dari api-muncullah dunia. "
Valhalla (J. C. Jones).
Dalam penerjemahan (tahun): 17. Terdaftar di Apr 2007. Jadi anggota: Jun 2010.
English > Indonesian Translator Specializing in Gaming, IT, Chemistry, Technical/Engineering, and Marketing
An English to Indonesian (EN>ID) full-time freelance translator with more than 12 (twelve) solid years of working experience.
My domains of specialization include Gaming, IT, Technical/Engineering, Marketing, and Chemistry.
The CAT tools of my choice are Trados 2019 Freelance (owned), MemoQ and Memsource/Phrase TMS (license provided by clients). I am also listed as a Certified PRO for EN>ID pair since 2011.
For EN>ID language services, feel free to contact me using ProZ or by the following methods:
Kindly note that some clients/projects are not available for disclosure due to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).
1. EN>ID Localization of Land.Net (May 2007)
Localize to
2. EN>ID Translation of a Shares Purchase Agreement (April 2010)
Translate a Shares Purchase Agreement
3. EN>ID Localization of a Chemistry Software (July 2010)
Localize a chemistry software
4. EN>ID Localizations for Various Game Companies (November 2010 - present)
Localize websites, FB/flash/mobile games, newsletters, UIs, etc.
5. EN>ID Reviews for a Search Engine Network (February - April 2013)
Review localizations of websites and services
6. EN>ID Localization for a Consumer Electronic Brand (November 2013)
Localize PPC (Pay-per-Click) ads & keywords for a brand new smartphone/tablet series launch
7. EN>ID Translations for Biro Oktroi Roosseno (November 2013 - December 2018)
Translate patent applications & drawings
8. EN>ID Localizations for (November 2013 - December 2019)
Translate and proofread clients' requests
9. EN>ID Localizations for an IT Network Hardware Company (April 2014 - present)
Localize user interfaces (UIs), marketing/technical documents, newsletters, etc.
10. EN & ID Text Annotations for an Indonesian Travel Startup (June 2019 - August 2020)
Tag and categorize inbound queries from search engine results
11. EN>ID Localizations for a Social Camera App Company (October 2020 - July 2021)
Localize community guides, user interfaces (UIs), marketing/legal/technical documents, etc.
12. User-Assistant Dialogs for the University of Cambridge (November 2021)
Create ID dialogs of user-assistant interactions in various situations for linguistic research
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Jumlah total poin yang diterima: 37 (Semua level PRO)
Kata kunci: English to Indonesian translation, English to Indonesian editing, English to Indonesian proofreading, English to Indonesian website localization, English to Indonesian chemistry translation, English to Indonesian science translation, English to Indonesian chemical engineering translation, English to Indonesian chemical translation, English to Indonesian engineering translation, English to Indonesian patent translation. See more.English to Indonesian translation, English to Indonesian editing, English to Indonesian proofreading, English to Indonesian website localization, English to Indonesian chemistry translation, English to Indonesian science translation, English to Indonesian chemical engineering translation, English to Indonesian chemical translation, English to Indonesian engineering translation, English to Indonesian patent translation, English to Indonesian Intellectual Property Rights translation, English to Indonesian Video Games translation. See less.
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