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Penerjemah lepas dan/atau juru bahasa, Anggota terverifikasi Penerjemah ini membantu pelokalan ke Indonesia
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Inggris ke Indonesia: Google Buzz slammed by Yahoo and Microsoft General field: Bisnis/Keuangan Detailed field: Jurnalisme
Teks sumber - Inggris Less than an hour after Google unveiled its new social network, Google Buzz, Yahoo and Microsoft took shots at their rival, both claiming that they've been running a similar service for years. But even as Yahoo and Microsoft came out swinging Tuesday, neither has quite been able to deliver the knock-out punch: Both have had very limited success so far in the social networking sphere.
Google Buzz goes even further and threatens the ground that Facebook walks on. Microsoft made a $240 million investment in Facebook, giving Microsoft a million reasons for wanting to play down Google's new social network. But a new Google social network that is fully integrated with Gmail, Google, Google Maps and other social networks has the blogosphere intrigued. As Google began to announce it, Google Buzz immediately became the most popular trend on Twitter. And if Yahoo and Microsoft sound nervous, it's with good reason. Since Google Buzz integrates with Gmail without the need for users to sign up, Google just added 176 million users (according to com Score) to its new social network on Tuesday -- not a bad start.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Kurang dari satu jam setelah Google meluncurkan jaringan sosial barunya, Google Buzz, Yahoo dan Microsoft segera menggempur lawan mereka ini, dengan menyatakan bahwa keduanya telah menjalankan layanan serupa selama bertahun-tahun. Namun, walaupun Yahoo dan Microsoft melancarkan serangan mereka pada hari Selasa lalu, mereka gagal memberikan pukulan yang mematikan: Sampai saat ini keduanya tidak terlalu berhasil di bidang jaringan sosial.
Google Buzz bahkan melangkah lebih jauh dan mengancam lahan yang dikuasai Facebook. Microsoft, yang menyuntikkan investasi senilai $240 juta ke Facebook, memiliki sejuta alasan untuk merendahkan jaringan sosial baru Google. Namun, jaringan sosial baru Google yang sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan Gmail, Google, Google Maps dan jaringan sosial lain telah mencuri perhatian dunia blog. Saat Google mengumumkannya, Google Buzz segera menjadi tren paling populer di Twitter. Dan jika Yahoo dan Microsoft terlihat gelisah, hal ini bukan tanpa alasan yang kuat. Karena Google Buzz terintegrasi dengan Gmail dan tidak mengharuskan pengguna untuk mendaftarkan diri, Google secara otomatis menambahkan 176 juta pengguna (menurut comScore) ke jaringan sosial barunya hari Selasa lalu – suatu awal yang cukup baik.
Inggris ke Indonesia: iPad, the Apple Tablet General field: Tek/Rekayasa Detailed field: Komputer: Perangkat Keras
Teks sumber - Inggris The iPad is a tablet computer developed by Apple Inc. It features multi-touch interaction with print, video, photo, and audio multimedia, internet browsing, and runs most iPhone OS apps. The device incorporates an LED-backlit 9.7-inch (25 cm) multi-touch in-plane switching color display running at XGA resolution made by Innolux, a subsidiary of Foxconn. Pricing for models in the United States ranges from US$499 to US$829 depending on the amount of storage and inclusion of 3G access.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia iPad adalah komputer tablet yang dikembangkan oleh Apple Inc. iPad menyajikan interaksi multisentuh untuk fitur pencetakan, multimedia video, foto, dan audio, perambanan internet, serta dapat menjalankan sebagian besar aplikasi sistem operasi iPhone. Peranti ini menyertakan layar warna dengan fitur in-plane switching multisentuh sebesar 9,7 inci (25 cm) bercahaya latar LED yang berjalan pada resolusi XGA buatan Innolux, anak perusahaan Foxconn. Harga iPad di Amerika Serikat berkisar dari US$499 sampai US$829 bergantung pada kapasitas penyimpanan dan penyertaan akses 3G.
Inggris ke Indonesia: Steady ascent of the Chinese renminbi General field: Bisnis/Keuangan Detailed field: Investasi / Surat Berharga
Teks sumber - Inggris Economically, China’s growth now appears to be more self-sustaining, i.e., less reliant on selling cheap exports to the US, which has left China today with an uncomfortably large amount of USD financial assets. A side effect of keeping the renminbi undervalued is relatively low interest rates. Cheap credit in China has fed many inefficient investments, a situation now being brought under control by increasing interest rates and allowing the renminbi to appreciate. China has also resorted to administrative measures, including the privatization of banks to make them more discriminating in their credit practices.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Secara ekonomi, pertumbuhan Cina saat ini tampaknya semakin mandiri, yaitu tidak terlalu bergantung pada penjualan ekspor murah ke Amerika Serikat, yang saat ini mengakibatkan Cina memiliki aset keuangan USD dalam jumlah yang terlalu besar. Efek samping dari menjaga renminbi dinilai terlalu rendah adalah suku bunga yang relatif rendah. Kredit yang murah di Cina telah mendanai banyak investasi yang tidak efisien, situasi yang sekarang sedang dikendalikan dengan meningkatkan suku bunga dan memperbolehkan renminbi terapresiasi. Cina juga telah mencoba cara-cara administratif, termasuk privatisasi bank agar mereka lebih selektif dalam praktik kredit mereka.
Indonesia ke Inggris (Decree of Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 1690/2007, verified) Indonesia ke Inggris (Universitas Indonesia, verified) Inggris ke Indonesia (Universitas Indonesia, verified)
Perangkat lunak
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, MateCat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartling, Trados Studio, XTM
Veteran in localization and corporate communications with more than a decade of experience. Certified for translation and editing by leading organizations. Inbound marketer with practical knowledge in search engine optimization (SEO), social media and digital marketing.
June 2015 - Now
Various Clientele, Bandung, Indonesia SEO, Web Designer, Content Writer, Social Media Manager
Provides consultation to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) wanting to have online presence. Analyzes, prepares, and proposes the best solution for their specific objectives. Designs, builds, customizes and managing their online identity, including website and social media channels creation, competition analysis, keywords research, content creation and distribution.
February 2015 – June 2015
Toyota Motor Asia Pacific – Engineering and Manufacturing, Bangkok, Thailand Language Support
Supported the Manufacturing Quality Production (MQP) Team in internationalizing quality control manual. Coordinated with other language specialists in setting up glossary that can be used across languages.
Established localization system and database resulting in increase of translation by more than threefold.
April 2010 – December 2013
Ford Motor Company's Content Factory, Bangkok, Thailand Indonesian Editor
Proposed, prepared and developed stories for client's internal magazine and online publication, highlighting client’s achievements in the Indonesian market. Coordinated with the social media team in delivering news of on-going event to appropriate social media channels. Localized releases, factsheets and other materials for the media.
Exceeded target of 30 online stories per year. Produced 70 percent more original online stories than what the client provided. More than 40 percent of the online stories were featured as top stories.
March 2007 – December 2009
World Bank, Jakarta, Indonesia Translator
Created translation procedures resulting in more efficient process. Established translation style guide and glossary providing uniformity and consistency in all publications. Integrated translation process to overall communication workflow resulting in better coordination with other departments. Evaluated and selected the most appropriate translator(s) for specific publication.
March 2006 – February 2007
UOB Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia In-House Translator
Localized releases, reports, and internal communications. Created and developed glossary related to banking and financial used in all communications.
January 2002 – April 2004
QTranslation, Bangkok, Thailand Indonesian Editor
Managed projects, translated and edited various subjects from English to Indonesian, vice versa.
October 2000 – December 2001
Adpartner, Jakarta, Indonesia Copywriter
Proposed ideas in developing advertising concept, and enhancing the clarity and creativity of the message. Created headlines and body-copy supporting the concept. Some of the clients included Asuransi Ramayana, BPPN/IBRA, Max Havelaar Indonesian Foundation, Garuda Food (Okky Jelly), Martha Tilaar (Caring Colours, PAC), Palatino, Toko Buku Utama, and Yayasan WWF Indonesia.
August 2000 – March 2001
Prospektif Magazine, Jakarta, Indonesia Investment Journalist
Researched appropriate sources necessary to create objective and balanced articles. Conducted investigative and analytical interviews with the sources. Gathered materials related to the articles. Prepared and published weekly report on the mutual funds industry in Indonesia. Discovered and published investigative reporting exposing problematic mutual funds and fund managers.
January 1995 – December 1997
Lembaga Bahasa LIA, Bandung, Indonesia English Instructor
Prepared lesson materials in accordance with the curriculum. Presented the lesson to the class in creative ways. Produced three outstanding students.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Advanced Small Arms Trafficking Course, August 8 – 12, 2016
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Course, July 11 – 22, 2016
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Advanced Crime Scene Investigations Course, May 16 – 27, 2016
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Drug Unit Commanders Course, April 25 – May 6, 2016
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT), and Courts of Justice (COJ) of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Southeast Asia Judicial Workshop on Cybercrime, April 25 – 29, 2016
Atlanta Police Department, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Combating Hate Crimes Course, March 28 – April 1, 2016
SK-II, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Global Training and Operations Conference, March 15 – 18, 2016
Manulife and Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for PEAK Convention, February 28 – March 2, 2015
FBI, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Crime Scene Investigations Course, November 17 – 21, 2014
Hewlett-Packard (HP), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Channel Odyssey Crime Scene Investigations Course, November 12, 2014
International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Law Enforcement and Leadership Development Course, October 14 – 25, 2014
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Arson Investigations Course, October 14 – 25, 2014
Samsung, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Samsung Forum 2012, March 15, 2012
Metro TV and Forum Bersama Indonesia Tionghoa (FBIT), Jakarta, Indonesia – Simultaneous Interpreter for Cap Go Meh Bersama, attended by the former President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, February 2008 – 2010
Badan Penanaman Modal dan Pendayagunaan Kekayaan dan Usaha Daerah (BPM & PKUD) Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (Jakarta Investment Board), Jakarta, Indonesia – Simultaneous Interpreter for Invest Jakarta 2008, October 23, 2008
Family of Murdaya, Jakarta, Indonesia – Simultaneous Interpreter for the Wedding of Prajna Murdaya and Irene Tedja, attended by the former Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Megawati Soekarnoputri, April 27, 2008
Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), Dewan Pers, Aliansi Jurnalis Indonesia (AJI) and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Jakarta, Indonesia – Simultaneous Interpreter for World Press Freedom Day, May 2, 2007
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Phuket, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Regional Workshop on Psychosocial Support, December 8 – 9, 2005
SEAPA and Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), Rayong, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Trainers’ Training on Investigative Journalism for Television in Southeast Asia, November 23 – 25, 2005
World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB), Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for East Asia Regional Workshop on Gender and Economic Policy, October 25 – 26, 2005
Cobra Gold, Chiang Mai, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster Relief Workshop, May 2 – 6, 2005
SEAPA and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Phuket, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for In the Tsunami’s Wake: Media and the Coverage of Disasters Conference, April 27 – 30, 2005
Bethany International Church Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for A Life Changing Christmas Worship, November 28, 2004
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Community Mubaan at IUCN, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for The World Conservation Union’s 3rd World Conservation Congress, November 17 – 25, 2004
SEAPA and PCIJ, Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Simultaneous Interpreter for Investigative Journalism Workshop, August 1, 2004
Herbalife, Hua Hin, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Herbalife Millionaire Training, July 18 – 20, 2003
SEAPA and PCIJ, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Simultaneous Interpreter for Course on Advanced Reporting, July 17 – 21, 2002
Herbalife, Bangkok, Thailand – Simultaneous Interpreter for Herbalife Extravaganza, July 5 – 7, 2002
Abacus, Abbott Laboratories, ABN Amro, Accor, Adidas, Adient, AEON, AFC, AirAsia, Akzo Nobel, Alcatel, ALCoB, Altec Lansing, Altria, Antec International, APNIC, Apple’s iPhone, Ariba,, Associated Press, AstraZeneca, Asuransi Ramayana, Barry Callebaut, BASF, Berlitz, BHP Billiton, BMW, BOC Group, Boeing, BP, BPPN/IBRA, BPRI, Brand.Me, Canon, Castrol, Caterpillar, CCI, CEVA, Changi Airport, ChevronTexaco, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Daikin, Daimler Chrysler, Dell, Deutsche Bank, DHL, Dior, Disney, Dresser-Rand, DSM, Dynea, EF Education First, eFORCE, Elizabeth Arden,, empowerICT, Epson,, Facebook, Far East Organization, Ford, Foursquare, Fujitsu Siemens, Gallup University, Gamespring, Garuda Food, GlaxoSmithKline, Google,, Hay Group, Healon OVD, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, Ibis, IBM, ICI, Instagram, Intel, Jabra, Java Reconstruction Fund, JMJ Associates, Johnson & Johnson, JohnsonDiversey Inc., Just.Me, JVC, Kansai International Tourism Promotion Center, Kemira, Knurr AG, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, Kraft Foods, Kyocera, Lafarge, Lancome, Lenovo, Lexmark, LG, Lycamobile, M1, Mandala Airlines, Martha Tilaar, Max Havelaar Indonesia Foundation, Merck, Mercure, Message.Me, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Modern Survey, MTV EXIT, Multi Donor Fund, Nestlé, Nikon, Nokia, Novotel, OAG,, Opinion World, Oral B, Panasonic, PayPal, Pfizer, Philips Automotive, Pullman, QUALCOMM, QuickThoughts, Research In Motion’s BlackBerry, RBS, Regus, Riso, Rolls-Royce, Saba, Samsoe, Samsung, Sendo,, Sharp, Shell, SKF, SKOV, Smug Messenger, Sofitel, Spil Games, Stulz SpA, Standard Chartered Bank, Starbucks, Subaru, Suez, Sun Life Financial, Swarm, Swarovski, Swype, Symantec, The Foundation for Kansai Region Promotion, Thomson, Toray, Toshiba, Tourism Australia, Toyota, TRACC, Transocean, Trelleborg AB, Trikomsel Oke, UBS, UNESCO, Unilever, Unilever Food Solutions, United Parcel Service, Vertu, VF Corporation, Volvo, Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Western Union, World Bank, WWF Indonesia, XL Axiata, Yamaha, Zynga
2014 - Google Analytics Platform Principles, Google
2013 - Digital Analytics Fundamentals, Google
2012 - Power Searching, Google
2009 - Certified PRO Network as English to Indonesian Translator,
2009 - Translation Editing Training, Universitas Indonesia
2007 - Indonesian to English Sworn Translator for Legal Document, Decree of Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 1690/2007
2007 - Indonesian to English Translator for Legal Document, Universitas Indonesia – Graded as Excellent
2007 - English to Indonesian Translator for Legal Document, Universitas Indonesia – Graded as Good
2000 - Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor’s Degree in Economics), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
1999 - Ahli Madya Bahasa Inggris (Diploma in English), Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Yapari, Bandung, Indonesia – Graduated Cum Laude
Well-versed in the use of the following applications:
Operating system: Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu Linux
Office Suite: Microsoft Office, LibreOffice
CAT Tool: SDL Trados Studio 2014, OmegaT, Heartsome
Kata kunci: inggris, indonesia, bahasa, penerjemah, penerjemah inggris, penerjemah bahasa inggris, penterjemah, penterjemah inggris, penterjemah bahasa inggris, bersumpah. See more.inggris,indonesia,bahasa,penerjemah,penerjemah inggris,penerjemah bahasa inggris,penterjemah,penterjemah inggris,penterjemah bahasa inggris,bersumpah,tersumpah,disumpah,bersertifikat,bersertifikasi,sertifikasi,penerjemahan,penterjemahan,alih bahasa,ahli bahasa,juru bahasa,interpreter,interpretasi,konferensi,seminar,lokalisasi,pelokalan,perangkat keras,perangkat lunak,jurnalisme,penulisan naskah,pendidikan,pelatihan,hukum,legal,iklan,periklanan,pemasaran,promosi,otomotif,investasi,kimia,survei,elektronik,web,situs,laman,beranda,trados,sdl,sdlx,omegat. See less.