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Inggris ke Indonesia: Training Manual of Most Significant Change (MSC) Technique
Teks sumber - Inggris General disclaimer
This document may be of use to you, but Clear Horizon do not guarantee that the document is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequences which may arise from you relying on any information in this document.
The ideas presented in these workshop notes were developed collaboratively with Jess Dart and Rick Davies. Much of this information is available in the MSC User Guide, which is available online at While every effort has been made to identify and acknowledge the source of other information outside of the public domain that has been included in these training materials, the author would be pleased to be advised of any related errors or omissions.
Penerjemahan - Indonesia Pelepasan Tanggung Jawab Umum
Dokumen ini mungkin bermanfaat untuk anda, tetapi Clear Horizon tidak menjamin kalau dokumen ini tanpa kesalahan apapun ataupun secara keseluruhan sesuai dengan tujuan khusus anda dan karenanya menyangkal tanggung jawab apapun atas kesalahan, kehilangan ataupun konsekuensi lainnya yang mungkin timbul karena ketergantungan anda pada informasi apapun di dalam dokumen ini.
Ucapan Terima kasih
Ide-ide yang dipresentasikan di dalam catatan-catatan lokakarya ini dikembangkan bersama dengan Jess Dart dan Rick Davies. Sebagian besar informasi ini tersedia di dalam the MSC User Guide, yang tersedia online di Walaupun berbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengikutsertakan sumber dari informasi lain di luar domain publik yang telah diikutsertakan di dalam materi-materi pelatihan ini, penulis akan sangat berterima kasih kalau diberitahu kesalahan ataupun pengabaian apapun yang berhubungan dengan materi ini.
Indonesia ke Inggris: Notes on Transportation issues on Indonesian Newspapers
Catatan, 19, 21, 22 dan 23 April 2008
Mencermati isi pemberitaan media massa dalam empat hari terakhir (tanggal 19, 21, 22, dan 23 April, ada tiga isu yang dapat disimpulkan terkait dengan tugas ITDP dalam memberikan asistensi kepada Pemda DKI Jakarta dalam perbaikan kinerja Busway Transjakarta, yaitu masalah:
1. Tarif
2. Pelayanan
3. Kecelakaan,
4. Keamanan,
5. Persepsi publik terhadap program sterilisasi jalur busway
1. Tentang tarif. Proses negosiasi antara Pemprov dengan Konsursium diperkirakan akan berjalan alot dan akan berakhir deadlock, karena masing-masing berpegang pada prinsip yang berbeda. Pemprov berpegang pada hasil tender, sedangkan konsorsium berpegang pada pembayaran yang diterima selama ini. Jalan tengah yang ditawarkan oleh BPKP sebagai penengah pun tampaknya tidak mampu melunakkan sikap konsorisum. ITDP pasti akan diminta pertimbangan atau masukan tentang hal ini. Dalam menghadapi hal tersebut ITDP lebih baik konsisten berpegang pada hasil tender, maksimal untuk toleran berubah sebatas pada hasil perhitungan BPKP. Hasil perhitungan BPKP dapat kita pakai sebagai pedoman karena secara legal aman, tapi juga dapat mengcounter pernyataan-pernyataan bahwa tendernya tidak apple to apple. ITDP perlu menyakinkan BLU Transjakarta dan Pemrpov agar tetap mengarah pada efisiensi dan peningkatan pelayanan dengan mengacu pada harga tender.
Penerjemahan - Inggris HIGHLIGHTED INPUTS
Notes for April 19, 21, 22, and 23, 2008
Considering the contents of mass media in the last four days (April 19, 21, 22, and 23), there are three issues which can be concluded in relation with the duties of ITDP in providing assistance to Jakarta’s City Administration in improving the performance of Busway Transjakarta which cover the matters of:
1. Fare
2. Service
3. Accident
4. Safety
5. Public perception on Busway lane’s sterilization program
1. Regarding fare, negotiation process between the city administration and the consortium is predicted to be a tough one and can end in a deadlock since each party holds onto different principles. The city administration holds onto the results of the tender, while the consortium holds onto the payment received so far. The middle ground provided by BPKP as the intermediary seems unable to soften up the attitudes of the consortium. Surely, ITDP will be asked to provide considerations on inputs regarding this matter. In the face of this problem, ITDP should consistently hold onto the results of tender and maximally tolerate changes up to the level of the result of BPKP’s calculation. The result of BPKP’s calculation can be used as a guideline since it is legally secure, as well as provides an ability to counter statements that the tender was not apple to apple. ITDP needs to convince BLU Transjakarta and the city administration to stick to the tendered price to achieve efficiency and increase services.
My name is Arfan Achyar. I am a full-time professional English <> Indonesian freelance certified translator and interpreter.
I have been a translator since about 1999. I provide fast, accurate, and high-quality translation. I got into this translation business not because I want to be a translator but more because of the fact that in 1998-1999, during the height of economic crisis in Indonesia, I could not find any job. One of my paternal uncles who happened to know that I was good in English offered me to translate a document, a safety document to be precise, from English to Indonesian, and he was satisfied with the results.
Afterwards, I started offering my services to book publishers around Jakarta, my hometown, which I knew printed and published books translated from English. In the beginning, I had a little luck, but with perseverance, I managed to attract the attention of a book publisher. I translated 5 books for this publisher and one of them was an English bestseller titled Megatrend 2010 by Patricia Aberdene and John Naisbitt. From then on, book-translation orders never cease. And until today, I have worked with several major publishing houses in Indonesia and translated many books for them.
At about the same time as my first effort to attract the attention of book publishing companies, a friend offered me a freelance job as an interpreter. I was required to interpret for the participants of a workshop on labour issues; something that I was not familiar with but I regarded as a challenge. It turned out excellent and the institution organising the event was very satisfied and kept using me whenever there is a need for an interpreter.
For me, translation is an art. It is not merely changing one sentence from one language to the other. Translating means preserving the intended meaning the author wants the reader to understand.
I believe, the services I provide to my clients are the best value for the money they pay, and one last note: I have never disappointed my clients in regards of the quality of my work.
Services offered:
I offer the following services:
1. Translation, Editing, and Proofreading of English <> Indonesian (send me a private message to know the rate in details)
2. Interpreting (Consecutive and Simultaneous): English <> Indonesia (send me a private message to know the rate in details)
3. Thanks to a dedicated team of Sworn Translators, I can now provide sworn translation services for English - Indonesian, vv.
I am basically connected to the web 24/7 due to the leased line broadband connection I am currently using. However, please observe the time difference between your place and Indonesia (GMT+7). My working day starts at 8 in the morning until 8 at night. So, if you are compelled to contact me outside this working hour, I will do my best to answer your message on the next working day.
How to geld hold of me:
I can be easily contacted through the internal message system that ProZ provides.
Clients (to name a few):
• Amazon; I served as Indonesian Language Lead for Amazon Web Services for about a year.
• Zynga; Developer of Facebook's games (CrimeNation - aka Mafia Wars 2, Empires and Allies, and Zynga Poker - desktop and mobile versions).
• The United States' Trade and Development Agency (USTDA); a 5-week interpretation project related with geothermal development in five Indonesian cities.
I am a certified translator for English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English. The certifications are provided by the University of Indonesia.
I have handled countless translation projects in various fields. I have signed countless Non-Disclosure Agreements which prevent me from giving detailed explanations in this profile. However, should you feel the need to know a particular translation field which I have done, I can always provide you with general information. Just drop me a message.
Details regarding rates should be directed to [email protected] and they are strictly confidential.
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