Powwow Report for Indonesia - Jakarta (Mar 7 2015)

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Report from  Harry Hermawan
Powwow 07032015

Total participant aka ProZian were 14 including host. We shared experiences and tips on how to improve our profiles so that the effectiveness of the profiles can be understood and work magic on us to clients.

All pitched in the discussion - it was lively. Unfortunately, time wasn't on our side. We still had so much more to share but it was time to part ways.

Some had to leave early like Farah and Yulia. Hope to see you guys again soon. The next time you're here call me.

And some left late to pose together. :)

Overall, we enjoyed the Powwow and the next one is planned down the line with more interesting and more focused topics. And not forgetting the food of course. YEAH!

Hope to see those who weren't present like Ramsyah Faizal, Budi, and others. Please come to make it next time.

Those who were here and have photos to share, send me to be uploaded. Thanks.

See you next time...GUYS!

Photos from  Achmad Fuad Lubis

Photos from  Achmad Fuad Lubis

Photos from  Harry Hermawan

Photos from  Harry Hermawan

Photos from  Harry Hermawan

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Harry Hermawan
hetty raphita tobing
Fery Andriansyah
ErichEko ⟹⭐
vicksy nurhayati
Farah Rachmat
Jamina Yap
Rosmeilan Siagian
Yulia Absari
Tony Bennjamin
Achmad Fuad Lubis
Da Nang

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Mar 19 '15  Achmad Fuad Lubis: Agenda for proposed next Powwow-
Powwow city: Jakarta (Indonesia)
Date/time: 2015-03-07 10:00:00
Theme: Dapatkan Klien via Profil ProZ.com
URL: http://www.proz.com/powwow/5461
This message from: Harry Hermawan


Teman-teman ada rencana untuk membuat kembali acara lanjutan di bulan April/Mei...

Materi yang sempat dibincangkan oleh teman yang lain (di antaranya Erich) adalah soal formula harga...
Mungkin Erich bersedia menjabarkan poin-poin utama di sini?

Yang terpikirkan oleh saya:

-CAT Tools perlukah?
-Tools non CAT-Tools - seberapa besar manfaatnya -Keanggotaan asosiasi dan yang sejenis: manfaat dan mudaratnya -Harga (rates) rumus menetapkannya (terjemahan/juru bahasa).

Mungkin teman-teman ada yang berminat bercerita pengalamannya soal apa saja?

<i>Masukannya dinanti... mangga... pisang jambu.., :)

Salam awal pekan...</i>
Dari bincang-bincang dengan Mas Erich dalam Powwow muncul topik <i>pertumbuhan peluang jasa penerjemah terkait pembangunan infrastruktur Indonesia yang sedang digencarkan</i>. Semoga bisa di realisasikan.

Mar 12 '15  Yulia Absari: We should do this often :)
A bit short, but it\'s very useful. I like when it\'s a small group, so we can stay focus on the topic.

Now it\'s time to edit my profile :)

Mar 12 '15  hetty raphita tobing: Let\'s have another one soon
Good meeting. Generous sharing of info. We should do this regularly - at a minimum we can put picture to face - for example this is the first time I\'ve seen Harry H and Erich E in person :)
Mar 12 '15  Rosmeilan Siagian: Great Powwow
This Powwow is the first one I have ever attended.

All the tips shared are very useful not only to me, I believe, but also to all participants.

We become more aware that professionally polished profiles will lead us to potential clients.

In addition, being more active in as many ProZ.com forums as possible will also serve as a huge advantage.

Great refreshments, great friends, great talks, and great pictures to capture our moments.

I look forward to attending the next Powwows.
Mar 12 '15  Fery Andriansyah: Siip..
Asik.. Pajang di socmed..
Mar 10 '15  Farah Rachmat: Sampai PowWow yang akan datang...
Sayang memang tidak bisa sampai akhir... belum cicip makanan Colibri nih... KangHaHe, trims sudah mengundang. Semangat jadinya melengkapi profil. Semoga kita bisa saling bantu membantu dalam membangun keahlian dalam bidang penerjemahan yang kita cintai ini.
Mar 9 '15  Harry Hermawan: Foto
Udah diunggah nunggu acc dari ProZ.com dulu sepertinya... TAMBAHAN: Sptnya file photo saya yang kegedean - see uploaded - sudah disesuaikan dengan kriteria ProZ.com.
Mar 9 '15  Fery Andriansyah: foto
Nyari-nyari fotonya belum ketemu. :D. Btw powwow-nya zuper sekali. Nunggu edisi berikutnya.
Mar 9 '15  Harry Hermawan: Those who attended - say a few words...
Salam semua yang telah hadir, silakan berkomentar dan ekspresikan diri di sini...mengenai acara yang telah kita lalui bersama.